May 24, 2011 When you finish: Complete the bellringers below What was the purpose of the timeline activity? What is the name of the era we are living in today? Then, pick up a handout from the front and use the book (p. 397) to complete it!
Evidence Supporting Evolution FOSSILS any preserved evidence of an organism Estimated that 99% of species that have ever lived are extinct! Mostly formed in sedimentary rock Fossilization How a fossil is made
Activity Cut out the “fossils” and put them together to determine what organism it was!
How do we date fossils? Law of Superposition Newer fossils are found relatively close to the surface while older fossils are found deeper underground. (relative dating)
How do scientists date CARBON? How do we date fossils? Radiometric Dating Uses the half life decay of radioactive material to determine age. (actual dates) How do scientists date CARBON?
Diprotodon Giant wombat or Rhinoceros wombat Largest marsupial ever to live 1.6 mil – 45,000 ya