FACTS If you do have a credit card only use it for emergencies. Credit Card have high interest rates and other fees that causes problems that will stay beyond your teen years. Remember to review your credit report every year.
REASON WHY CREDIT CARDS ARE HELPFUL The standard debit card offers zero rewards or very small rewards. If you sign up for the right credit card you can earn anywhere from 1-5% back on all your purchase. Many cards rewards work on a point system where you earn up to five points per every dollar spent. If you have no credit card or trying to improve your credit score using a credit card responsibly will help your credit score a lot.
RCARDS REASONS FOR NOT USING CREDIT Dont use your credit card for everyday proposes. Dont make minimum only payments. Dont apply for credit cards without reading the terms. Dont use credit cards for things your cant afford.
Credit Cards are very helpful if you use them correctly.