Piotr Bednarczyk SPES LETTER OF INTENT High spin g-ray spectroscopy of heavy, octupole deformed Ac and Fr nuclei produced in fusion-evaporation reactions with the intense A~90 Rb radioactive beams at SPES
Collaboration P.Bednarczyk, M.Ciemała, B.Fornal, J.Grębosz, M.Kmiecik, W.Królas, M.Krzysiek, A.Maj, M.Matejska-Minda, W.Męczyński, B.Wasilewska, M.Ziębliński H. Niewodniczański Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN, Kraków, Poland G. Jaworski, M. Komorowska, P. Napiorkowski, M.Palacz HIL, University of Warsaw, Poland, D.Curien, J.Dudek, IPHC, Strasbourg, France, G. de Angelis, V. Modamio, D.R. Napoli, J. Valiente LNL, Legnaro, Italy, A.Boso, D. Bazzacco, S. Lenzi, S. Lunardi, R.Menegazzo, D.Mengoni, F. Recchia INFN sezione di Padova, Padova, Italy, A.Bracco, G. Benzoni, F. Camera, F. Crespi, S.Leoni , B. Million. O. Wieland Università degli Studi and INFN sezione di Milano, Milano, Italy
Fusion-evaporation with RIB Test of feasibility Fusion-evaporation with RIB The strongest available beam Interesting physics case Efficient gamma and ancillary detector setup
SPES beams- fission on UCx 90-92Rb 133,135I Day1 (5mA) reduction factor of ~100
Onset of octupole deformed shapes in actinides at N~130, Z~88 Reflection asymmetric shapes 224Ra Gaffney et al., Nature 497, 199 (2013) Simplex symmetry: Even A s=+1 Ip= 0+, 1-, 2+, 3-,… s=-1 Ip= 0-, 1+, 2-, 3+,… Odd A s=+i 2Ip= 1+, 3-, 5+,… s=-i 2Ip= 1-, 3+, 5-, … Alternative parity bands Debray PRC 73(2006)
Experimental investigation of alternative parity bands in actinides Schultz 1992 1980-1990 Beams : C, O, N Targets: Pb, Bi Max.Spin J~20h 209Bi(12-14C, xn)217-220Ac Alternative parity bands 12C 14C 209Bi 224Ra RIB COULEX
Alternative use of a symmetric reaction with a RIB RIB: 90-92Rb at 109(7) pps Target: 130Te c High spins ?
Increase of angular momentum PACE4 sresid = 150 mb sfission = 75-95% sresid = 70 mb High spin states: 130Te(92Rb, 4n)218Ac Eb = 375MeV, v/c > 4%
g-spectroscopy at high spin and temperture 220CN E* fission E1 (GDR) n octupole-quadrupole shape transition at HS PARIS Multiplicity High energy g ? AGATA discrete g J
g-spectroscopy at high spin and temperture 220CN E* fission E1 (GDR) n PARIS Multiplicity High energy g ? AGATA discrete g J + ancillary detector to suppres fission and perform Doppler correction
Recoil Filter Detector ToF = T0 + Dt T0 Dt GASP RFD coincidence of ER and g-rays ToF technique allows to deduce actual velocity of every recoil and to filter out unwanted reaction channels: scattered beam, Coulex, fission
Recoil Filter Detector ToF = T0 + Dt T0 Dt GASP RFD Set of fast 18 HI detectors (SEE) W.Meczynski, et al, NIM A580, 1310 (2007)
Fission background reduction 218Ra: heart-shape nucleus: quadrupole deformation + octupole phonon wave Frauendorf PRC77(2008) 198Pt(26Mg,a2n) 218Ra CN= 224Th sresid(219,220Th)~ 10mb sfiss~ 250mb (90%) i< 1pnA RIB: 130Te(93Kr,5n)218Ra 219,220Th CN= 223Ra sresid~ 200mb sfiss ~ 150mb (40%) exp. 2009, G. de Angelis et al.
130Te(92Rb,4n)218Ac ToF RFD at GALILEO RFD angles Eb = 370MeV, fission recoils 35% beam recoils fission 1% ang. distr GEMINI++
Perspectives of using RFD at RIB GAMMA-ray detector arrays GALILEO AGATA PARIS RFD advantages High efficiency for recoils Projectiles do not irradiate the setup and can be transported to a FC distant from the experimental area. Detectors are not sensitive to any kind of radioactivity Doppler broadening reduction Fission background supression Litetimes (DSAM)