EEstonia: eGovernment Journey and Challenges Ahead Hannes Astok eGovernment Expert Former Member of the Estonian Parliament.


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Presentation transcript:

eEstonia: eGovernment Journey and Challenges Ahead Hannes Astok eGovernment Expert Former Member of the Estonian Parliament

Hannes Astok 2011 – Senior eGovernment expert – Member of the Estonian Parliament Programme Director, municipal and regional eGovernance, e-Governance Academy Deputy Mayor, Tartu City Government

What is E-Governance Academy? e-Governance Academy (eGA) is a non-profit organisation for the creation and transfer of knowledge concerning e- governance. Activities: Research & Analysis Training Consultancy Programs: Central government program eDemocracy program Municipal eGovernance program

Population Population: million Area: 45,229 km Population density: 30 inhabitants per km 2 Urban population: 69.3% Rural population: 30.7%

Key elements of Estonian eGovernment 1.Single ID numbers for citizens, businesses, property, etc. 2.Government interoperability environment x- road 3.Digital registries with legal meaning 4.Identification infrastructure: national eID and mobileID, digital signature and time stamp 5.Secure citizen portal 6.Secure document exchange portal

Reform of Government Registries 1 Weberian Bureaucracy + Internet

Reform of Government Registries II One Stop Shop approach

Reform of Government Registries III Integrated E-Government INTEROP.PORTAL

The reasons for success General consensus among main forces in Estonian society Commitment of political elites Supportive legislation Right mix of private and public initiative Active role of government Project based development Little baggage of previous practices

Databases Almost every governmental data is today in digital mode. Digitzation starts at Digital data is primary, paper record is copy. Single entry of the data: on datum is only in one database. All institutions must use interoperability Legislative basis and the legal meaning of the data. High demands to data security, access control, data storage and security copies quality.

13 April 550 org DB ~ users ~ users 200 DB 1,100,000 Government interoperability 2001

National chip-based Identity Card e-ID (2002) Estonian electronic ID card is the first compulsory national document. It serves for visual and electronic authentication purposes.

Currently as 5 April 2012 Active cards: 1,163,918 (86% of citizens) Digital signatures: 75,5 millions Electronic authentications: 131,4 millions

National chip-based Identity Card e-ID E-ID is also: E-health card Driving licence Bus ticket i-Bank access card Can used as: Door access card Library card etc

Mobile ID (2007) Mobile ID is development of traditional ID-card-based electronic authentication and digital signature in mobile phone

ID card (PIN 1,2) ID card reader PC with ID card reader and ID card Mobile-ID SIM card (PIN 1,2) Mobile phone Any PC connected to public Internet Interneti- pank ID-card versus Mobile ID

Governmental portal (2000) Governmental portal is the single access point for citizens and businesses to the governmental and municipal electronic services. The portal provides information manuals downloadable and printable application forms electronic on-line application forms

Other components Document exchange portal, allowing officials to exchange digital documents High-speed data networks, mainly provided by private data companies Unique standards for system architecture, allowing databases exchange data in universal digital mode Security and logging systems for private data protection purposes etc

Internet infrastructure Internet infrastructure is provided by private companies Government assistance programmes to speed up broadband infrastructure development

EstWIN network PPP – government and Telcos Basic fiberoptical network to rural areas Only market failure areas (no cities) Connecting village and small cities centers to existing basic network Service – rent of dark fibre To be built: ca 6000 km fiberoptical cables ca1400 network end points (with equipment shelf) Project schedule 2009 – 2015 Project cost ca 64 M EUR EU – 90% Government and partners – 10%

E-Cabinet In August 2000, the Government of Estonia, as a world pioneer, changed its Cabinet meetings to paperless sessions using a web-based document system.

Tax declarations on-line Estonia (2000)

Success of e-tax Good usability Data already submitted by tax department (automated data transfer from companies) Pre-filled tax declaration: you fill your application for on 5-10 minutes Government promise: tax return money transfer on 5 days

Internet voting (2005) January 2005 – pilot on local consultation October 2005 – municipal elections ~ 80% of voters had a chance to vote via Internet ~2% of voters used that possibility Total internet votes October 2009 – internet voting in municipal elections Overall turnout 61% ~ 85% of voters had a chance to vote via Internet 9,5% of voters used that possibility 15,7% of votes given on-line Total internet votes

General elections 2007 March 4, 2007 – national parliamentary elections, what where the first pan-national Internet voting with binding results

Local elections 2009 October 18, 2009 Eligible voters Overall turnout 60,6% ~ 90% of voters had a chance to vote via Internet 9,5% of voters used that possibility 15,8% of votes given on-line Total internet votes counted

National parliamentary elections 2011 Eligible voters Overall turnout 63,5% ~ 90% of voters had a chance to vote via Internet 15,3% of voters used that possibility 24,3% of votes given on-line Total internet votes counted

Presentage of counted e-votes and e-voters Estonia

Number of counted e-votes Estonia

New challenges More services for citizens and businesses! World goes mobile! Social media and web 2.0 E-Democracy –On-line democracy –Participative democracy

The tomorrow of e-government Integration of different levels of government in service provision 24/7 government Do it yourself government Almost all applications are mobile Some working examples of integrated e-government:

Examples of e-services Parential leave benefit claim –18 data requests between 5 information systems + calculation = 7 documents in real life = 3 minutes data input +1 mouse click ID card as a bus ticket Registration of an enterprise on-line Mobile parking for municipalities Exam results with SMS

How to use social media (web 2.0)? Where people hanging in the Internet? In governmental sites? No! - In portals In social media: Facebook, Odnoklassniki, QQ, SecondLife, Orkut, etc Are they writing letters? They are sending SMS, s, chatting in MSN, calling via Skype What is our response?

Estonian Embassy – SecondLife Born 2007 In Memoriam 2011

Estonian MFA in FB

Estonian MFA in Twitter

Lessons learned from Estonia As government: let the private sector take initiative promote all aspects of information society create and maintain the legislative framework view IT developments together with public administrative reform promote a project based development (more chance for self-correction, if something doesnt work) And finally, as government: take care of your culture and language (nobody else will do it for you)

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Hannes Astok M E S hannesastok