Olympic Agenda 2020 – 2016 deliverables ACNO General Assembly Christophe De Kepper 29 October, 2015
Olympic Agenda 2020 implementation Yearly action plans As you all know, the implementation of Olympic Agenda 2020 began right after the 40 recommendations were approved at the Session in Monaco last December. An action plan has been developed, approved by the IOC EB in February and distributed to the IOC Session last July. Subsequently to the IOC Session, this document was made available to all NOCs through NOC net. Today we are in the process of finalizing the status of implementation for 2015 as well as developing the action plan for 2016. Both will be presented to the IOC EB in December, but I can already give you an idea of the main achievement of 2015, with a focus on the activities related to you and your athletes. I will obviously not have time to go through all the recommendations and all the initiatives, but once again the action plan have been shared with your team if you want more details. 05/12/2018
The Uniqueness of the Olympic Games Invitation phase Olympic Programme On the Uniqueness of the Olympic Games two key developement of Olympic Agenda 2020 alreday made in 2015 are: The invitation phase (recommendation 1), which was delivered for the 2024 Candidates Cities. This new phase, which is an ongoing dialogue and information exchange, with no commtiment to then submit a candidature. It aims at tailoring each candidature to make it relevant to each cities’ context. The Candidature process has been revised. Before there were two distinct phases – Applicant Phase and Candidate Phase, and now we have a continuum during 24 months, which ensures that the workload for both the Olympic Movement and the NOC/city is spread across the entire process, which was not the case in the past. We are now in the process of developing the invitation phase of the Olympic Winter Games 2026, which will be launched in due time. - The Olympic Programme, with the first proposal of new events made by an OCOGs, Tokyo 2020. As you know, 5 sports are shortlisted to be part of Tokyo 2020 programme: surfing, baseball/softball, sport climbing, roller sports and karate. The decision on the new events will be made next year. The development of the process and timeline for the Olympic Programme 2024, to reflect Olympic Agenda 2020 recommendations 9 to 11 will also take place in 2016. 05/12/2018
Athletes, at the heart of the Olympic Movement Protecting clean athletes Support to athletes on and off the field of play On the second topic, the Athletes, there are also a number of on-going initiatives, let me highlight a few: We want to change the philosophy to protect clean athletes. With recommendation 16, the IOC has alreday created a 20 Mo fund to support two main areas: Education and awareness on the risks of match fixing, any kind of manipulation of competitions and related corruption Anti-doping research, with a specific focus on projects offering a new scientific approach to anti-doping. The idea here is to complement, but not duplicate existing anti-doping research programmes through innovative and novel research in all areas of anti-doping which has the potential to lead to a significant change in the way anti-doping programmes are carried out, and which will have a direct impact on the daily lives of the clean athletes. To date, seven projects are being funded, and an IOC expert panel meets regularly to identify new projects. The other area is the support to athletes, both on and off the field of play (reco 18). The Athletes experience is a key focus of Olympic Agenda 2020. As such, the athletes experience is now one of the criteria of the candidature phase The service levels for athletes have been reviewed and adjusted already for Olympic Games Rio 2016, and a number of initiatives will take place at Games-time: the delivery of place of mourning in the Village and a moment of remembrance during the closing ceremony, the IOC Spaces and the Athletes Hub with Games-Time functionalities. A revamped version of the Athletes Hub will be launched in January, to support you (NOCs) in your communication with Athletes for the Rio Games. This will basically be a one-stop-shop for athletes and include all the information that athletes will need for Rio, and more. To further support the athletes off the field of play, the Athletes Career Programme is being reinforced. Dozens of outreach sessions took place in 2015, and 35 NOCs were represented in the IOC ACP Forum in Lima. To date, more than 30’000 athletes from 180 NOCs have benefited from the programme. An Athletes Learning Gateway (MOOC) has been launched in 2015 to further support athletes’ education. More than 7000 users from more than 200 countries have already registered on the plateform and are benefiting from the services provided by the IOC for free. In 2016 we will further develop and promote this platform. As you also may know, the World Olympians Associations management will fully be integrated within the IOC. This has been initiated recently and will be fully in place in 2016. 05/12/2018
Olympism in action: keep Olympism alive 365 days a year Olympic Channel Strategic Partnership Sport and Culture The third topic is Olympism in action. - The main deliverable here is obviously the launch of the Olympic Channel (reco 19), and you will have a specific presentation of it right after. We will also team up with key partners to reinforce our programmes and have a stronger voice to promote sports in society. We have a reinforced partnership with the UN, and President Bach was a few weeks ago in New-York at the UN General Assembly, were the UN Post-2015 Development Agenda was adopted. The final document reads: “Sport is also an important enabler of sustainable development. We recognise the growing contribution of sport to the realisation of development and peace in its promotion of tolerance and respect and the contributions it makes to the empowerment of women and of young people, individuals and communities as well as to health, education and social inclusion objectives.” This is a major steps forward and show what Olympic Agenda 2020 is all about. - Another topic of interest for you will be related to recommendation 26 – further blend sport and culture. First of all, you will see a number of new initiatives during the Games in Rio (Olymipc House, Artists in Residence, Olympic Laurel…), and then, the action plan for having NOC cultural “attachés” will be launched in 2016. 05/12/2018
IOC’s Role: Unity in Diversity Good governance and autonomy TOPs engagement with NOCs Access to Olympic Brand The second to last them is IOC’s role. You are very aware that good governance and autonomy are key topics of Olympic Agenda 2020. This will be presented to you later in details by IOC’s NOC Relations department Another recommendation aims at reinforcing TOPs’ engagement with NOCs (reco 35). A Partner Activation Development Programme is being developped so that in 2016, targeted programme will be launched by TOPs in selected territories. The NOC Marketing Seminar are also part of this recommendation and you will have a dedicated presentation on this later today. Finally, as part of recommendation 36 (extend access to the Olympic Brand for non commercial purposes), the use of Olympic properties by NOC, Candidate Cities and Olympic Cities have been reviewed, and new guidelines will be developped and shared with you in 2016. 05/12/2018
IOC structure and organisation IOC commissions Finally, the last theme is the IOC structure and organisation. Here I will only mention that with the nomintation of the IOC Commissions in 2015, not only have we seen an increase of 49% in women’s participation, but we also have a wider, more balanced continental representation and NOCs are represented in most, if not all the Commissions. This concludes my presentation on Olympic Agenda 2020 implementation. Once again, this is just a snapshot of what is ongoing. I will be happy to take any questions. 05/12/2018
Vision of the Olympic Movement Building a better world through sport Vision of the Olympic Movement Olympism is a philosophy of life, which places sport at the service of humankind. VISION Excellence Respect Friendship VALUES Ensure the uniqueness and the regular celebration of the Olympic Games Put athletes at the heart of the Olympic Movement Promote sport and the Olympic values in society, with a focus on young people MISSIONS Universality and Solidarity Unity in Diversity Autonomy and Good Governance Sustainability WORKING PRINCIPLES This new version reflects the changes stemming from Olympic Agenda 2020, and should form a guide for all our actions. This concludes my presentation on Olympic Agenda 2020 implementation. Once again, this is just a snapshot of what is ongoing. I will be happy to take any questions.