Astraeus By: Zack Samuels
The Man Astraeus was a second generation Titan born of Crius and Eurybia. He was the Titan of the dusk. His original Greek name was Astraios, meaning “dawn of the stars”. Astraeus was also highly associated with astrology. He had two brothers. Perses, the Titan of destruction, and Pallas, the Titan of war. Astraeus married Eos, the goddess of the dawn. Together they had ten children: Phosphorus or Eosphorus, the god of the morning star; Hesperus, the god of the evening star; Phainon, god of the wandering star known as the planet Saturn; Phaethon, the god of the wandering star Jupiter; Pyroeis, the god of the wandering star Mars; Stilbon, the god of the wandering star Mercury; and the Anemoi (Boreas, the north wind; Notus, the south wind; Zephyrus, the west wind; and Eurus, the east wind).
The Myth While not majorly significant, Astraeus did participate in the Titanomachy on the side of the Titans along with his father, Crius; his wife, Eos; and sons, Eosphorus and Hesperus.
The Legend Although Astraeus is not one of the most significant figures in mythology, his legacies have been quite important. Astraeus birthed the four cardinal winds, Boreas, Notus, Zephyrus, and Eurus. In some sources, Astraeus was also the father of Astraea, the virgin goddess of innocence that became the constellation Virgo.
Work Cited titanomachy/