The Curriki Web Site 12/5/2018 7:18 AM Visit and Log-in as user:curriki password:demo Mention that Membership is required to participate in the community
Provides Global Access 12/5/2018 7:18 AM International UI with Hindi localization example in place. Content and interface can be maintained in multiple languages on-line by anyone you give access rights to. Be sure to try this before you demo as you many need to install special fonts to see Hindi on the site. Add “?language=hi” to the end of the URL to see Hindi, and then add “?language=en” to go back to English To use the “Next.Dev.Curriki.Org” server there is an extra initial log-in (user:demo pass:gelc)
12/5/2018 7:18 AM Let’s see an example Search for resources by topic, level, language, review status, media and instruction type
All members have personalized “My Curriki” pages 12/5/2018 7:18 AM + Each Curriki’s 35,000 members has a personal area, their “My Curriki.” + A Users’ Profile is their identity in the community, and users are always associated with the content they contribute and edit, and the groups they are affiliated with. + Each user has a favorites list, a list of contributions, a set of collection, a Blog, and a list of groups they belong to. On Production: On Next.Dev: Be sure to click “Show” on the blue “Profile” title bar (until nest release when it will be a tabbed interface as on
Create personal collections of resources 12/5/2018 7:18 AM + Each Curriki Member Can Manage and Create Personal Collections of Resources - Rob has over 20 topical collections in Curriki. - Rob is a alumni of a group called Teach for America (TFA). TFA is using Curriki to share the work of all of its students and alumni in a Curriki Group. Click on the Collections Tab to see Robs Collections. Talk about Rob as an example member- Now at Stanford getting a post Graduate degrade. Rob is a Member of Teach for America. He spend some time over the summer porting content he and other TFA teacher created. This is a pilot for more work with TFA and similar organizations that have large numbers of resources and no place to put them.
Create, Browse and Join Topical Groups 12/5/2018 7:18 AM Create, Browse and Join Topical Groups Create groups and browse by topic, or by language or both
Using groups 12/5/2018 7:18 AM + Athabasca University delivers distance education to students around the world. + Athabasca provides a number of courses under Creative Commons license and then offers fee based certification and credentialing services. - Their goal is to attract distance learners to become paying students.
Messages and Discussion Topics 12/5/2018 7:18 AM
Group Shared Collections 12/5/2018 7:18 AM + Use a group to share with your organization and across partner organizations
Curriki supports content in most any form, format, and language 12/5/2018 7:18 AM Curriki supports content in most any form, format, and language Road of Life (ROL) is a group that has provided a complete Elementary Level Health Curriculum. ROL is hoping to localize and translate the program into many languages. + ROL – A Ohio based non profit working on health issues and cancer prevention. - Great potential and value in the developing world.
This is part of a Astronomy Course. Wiki Content 12/5/2018 7:18 AM This is part of a Astronomy Course. + Example of a course Ported into the Curriki Wiki page format - This format can be transformed (Rendered) and exported for print or for use in an LMS (Local Delivery) Athabasca Astronomy-
View a User’s Collection 12/5/2018 7:18 AM This is a part of Web Based “English as a Second Language” Course from Athabasca University. Athabasca ESL-
Rich Media Foundation Courses in Math and Science 12/5/2018 7:18 AM A complete interactive course from The University of California and NROC. Also: Calculus I and II Physics I and II Environmental Science Biology and many more. + NROC and The University of California are dedicated to providing college prep materials so under privileges students can enter higher education prepared to learn. - High quality interactive courses with assessment NROC Algebra - Environmental Science Biology: and as an example
Interactive Bilingual Math Content 12/5/2018 7:18 AM This is an example of an interactive unit resource. A full English and Spanish Bilingual intervention unit in Geometry. + Help Program provides bi-lingual intervention materials. Interactive and highly engaging. Help Program Bi-Lingual Math program- Click to demo both English and Spanish.
Project and partner examples UCCP Road of Life WLC Merit Software NROC NRTA ACE FHSST UK Innovation Project Australian Curriculum Corporation Athabasca University HelpProgram Listen for Life OLPC CFEE Many many more.
Curriki tools are being adopted in India 12/5/2018 7:18 AM Curriki tools are being adopted in India India represents 2nd most active country for Curriki just after the US in total number of visitors a month. + Browse and Search for Learning Resource or Project Groups. - Filter by: Subject, Level, Resource Type, Review Status, Other (Language, Media, Format, Licenses, etc.) - About 9,000 resources as of today, and growth is accelerating. Almost 10K is a reasonable rounding. - Resources and Members from around the globe - search returns 202 Full courses, 295 units of instruction and 1113 lesson plans.
In Summary 12/5/2018 7:18 AM With the Curriki platform, Premji can empower educators and professional around India to access and share: Learning Resources Expertise Services Tools Techniques Projects Ideas Knowledge