Created by: Sidnie Stiver Legalizing Marijuana Created by: Sidnie Stiver
THESIS STATEMENT Marijuana should become legalized in the U.S. because of the benefits, the money being wasted on trying to eliminate it and to reduce crime rates.
Arguments Helps with: a) Anxiety b) Glaucoma c) Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) e)Slow down the growth of tumors Reducing Crime rates by not convicting people with possessing marijuana. Saving Money: Wont spend as much money on stopping drug cartels States will make profit by taxing the drug
Counter -Arguments Opponents of this topic state that marijuana is a gateway drug and by legalizing it, America is condoning it. Some would argue this statement because it is only a gateway drug if you allow it to be. America also legalized alcohol, yet does not condone it in completely. Self control is key. They also argue by opening stores that sell cannabis legally that it will force more people into selling it themselves for cheaper and no taxation. However, most people would like the satisfaction of knowing that what they are consuming came from somewhere they can trust rather than someone off the street selling it for a discount.
Conclusion In conclusion, Americans should continue to push for the legalization and decriminalization of marijuana.
SOURCES Alexander, M. (2010). Obama’s drug war. Infobaselearning, pg 11. Johnson, G. (2014). Legalizing marijuana would weaken the drug cartel. Gale Group, pg 4. McDougal, J. (2008). The hemp movement: disguise for legalizing marijuana. Gale Group, pg 6. Preface to ‘Should marijuana use be regulated by the Government.’ (2011) Current Controversies, pg 4. Slambrouck, P. V. (1999). The debate over the legalization of marijuana: an overview. Gale Group, pg 7.