November 29th, 2016 Brown AC ELA
Learning Target ELAGSE8W7: Conduct short research projects to answer a question (including a self- generated question), drawing on several sources and generating additional related, focused questions that allow for multiple avenues of exploration. Learning Target: Conduct research on a topic using research questions and create following up questions to help explain your topic. Warm-up- Use the sentences on the next slide to complete the following: Identify the verbal Tell what type of verbal How is it used in the sentence.
Verbal Practice Shaken, Pedro walked away from the wrecked car. Laying on the ground in handcuffs, Katlyn was arrested for speeding. Alex resisted the strength to resist; he dove at the three pieces of candy on the floor. To buy the basket of flowers for Zari, Quinton had to spend his last dollar.
Opening- Review of the Research Project Step One- Develop your topic. Step Two- Create research questions. Research questions deal with big ideas, changes over time, different points of view, ethical issues, etc. They typically deal with how and why, and combinations of these.
Teacher Example Topic- Human Cloning Research questions: What is human cloning? What is the science behind human cloning? What types of cloning have already taken place? What are some arguments for human cloning? Against it?
Task: Meet with your partner. Get onto I-Pads and go to classroom blog. Read over topics- pick one or think of another not listed. Start discussing research questions. Be prepared to share them with the class.
Share your questions with the class. Closing Share your questions with the class.
Question 3 Personal Legend. The Language of the World. The Soul of the World. What are these capitalized concepts and why are repeated throughout the book?
Question 4 What is the role of the hero in the hero’s journey? What impacts are the heroes intended to have on the reader? How has Santiago impacted you?