Regional Overview Latin America A dynamic region MERCOSUR 1999
Brazil 1999 CIPS Institute Leadership Interaction
September 1999 National Association of Realtors and the Realtors Association of the Palm Beaches
Objectives NAR To strengthen our relationships with real estate professionals in Argentina To assist FIRA in efforts to structure their organization in the most effective way to provide services to their membership.
Objectives NAR To assist FIRA in understanding the value and process of grassroots lobbying efforts. To make FIRA aware of the depth of resources available through NAR and its Societies, Institutes and Councils
Objectives NAR To provide FIRA an update on NAR’s key strategic objectives in the international arena (e.g., technology) and secure their commitment to participate. To serve as goodwill ambassadors from the USA at Embassy and Government meetings in Argentina.
Objectives FIRA To strengthen our relationships with the National Association of REALTORS and the REALTORS Association of the Palm Beaches.
Objectives FIRA To glean the knowledge and understanding of the power of organized real estate. To make business alliances with REALTORS.
Objectives Realtors Association of the Palm Beaches To assist NAR in strengthening the cooperative relationship with real estate professionals in Argentina by providing services above the level expected of an Ambassador Association.
Objectives Realtors Association of the Palm Beaches To assist NAR in understanding and meeting the organizational needs of FIRA. To make business alliances with real estate professionals in Argentina.
Destination: Buenos Aires as a cosmopolitan urban landscape
Months of Preparation to land on the only cold moment of the trip.
PLAYERS CIA Cámara Inmobiliaria Argentina FIRA Federación Inmobiliaria de la República Argentina NAR National Association of Realtors RAPB Realtors Association of the Palm Beaches REBAC Real Estate Buyer’s Agent Council CCIM Certified Commercial Investment Member Colegio de Martilleros y Corredores Publicos de San Isidro C.A.P.H. Y A.I. Cámara Argentina de la Propiedad Horizontal y Actividades Inmobiliarias
MULTI-TRACKS: Business Education Leadership / Planning Social / Networking
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