Lathrop Intermediate School College Prep Lathrop Intermediate School Wednesday, August 24th, 2016 6th Grade College Prep
Welcome to the 2016-2017 School Year! During the first day at 6th grade bootcamp, you went over the Parent-Student handbook with your teacher. Today, we are going to review that information in a fun way!
Kahoot! Click the link Below: 4d6b-bf7d-4d1aa8635659 Teachers, if you have never played Kahoot with your students before, the directions are on the following slide.
Directions for Teachers Click on the link on the previous slide Click Play Click Start Now It is up to you to decide if students are playing by themselves or in teams Students will open their Chromebooks and type in the code to join Students must use APPROPRIATE names (E.g. First name and last initial) Once all students have joined, click Start Have fun!
Directions for Students Go to Google Type Kahoot in search bar Type in the code that your teacher shares with you Choose an APPROPRIATE name Read the questions as they appear on the screen and choose the answer that you think is correct Have fun!
Extra Time If you finish Kahoot early, direct students to the myON website and allow them to explore and find books they are interested in Student login information- Username: Password: lower case first initial of last name 6-digit student ID#