Procurement Card Procurement Card Overview Bookkeepers & Central Office Secretaries FY2014
Procurement Card Overview The Bank of America procurement card is issued in the name of a Cobb County School District employee with the direct responsibility for the control and usage of the card under the principal or department director. Monthly limit - $5,000 Transaction limit - $2,000 The transaction limit or monthly limit may be temporarily increased upon request by ing Dawn Vastola.
Authorized Purchases Items not on the CCSD Bid List - found on the Procurement Services web page. Exceptions to the bid list are: Office Supplies – All Office Max orders must be made on the procurement card (except SPLOST and Capital Outlay expenditures) Art Supplies Custodial Supplies Other Vendors listed in Procurement Card Manua l
Unauthorized Purchases Personal purchases, money orders, or cash withdrawals Gift Cards (including ITune gift cards) – when paid by county allotment funds. Gift cards are only allowable on the procurement card using local school activity funds (hospitality, staff recognition, etc.) for the purchase of a gift. Employee travel expenses – when paid by county allotment funds. Refer to Travel Procedures on the Financial Services Portal intranet support site.
Unauthorized Purchases Sales Tax Capital Outlay – any equipment or non-expendable property with a unit cost of $1,000 or more and an expected useful life of longer than 2 years; including all computers, iPads, printers, interactive white boards and LCD projectors. Purchases using bond funds, SPLOST money (with the exception of pre-approved purchases from the Finishes Account for new schools or schools with additions) or fire loss purchases. Items on the CCSD bid list – with exceptions under Authorized Purchases. The purchase of any type of service.
Procurement Card Posting Bank of America charges - downloaded daily. Bank statements - sent to the cardholder around the 10 th of every month. Posting charges - should be done weekly, except for Grant purchases, which must be posted in the month that the charges are incurred. An will be sent with the posting deadline date each month. Detailed posting analysis report - available upon request from Dawn Vastola.
Procurement Card Issues Posting Errors - If charge is posted to incorrect charge code, Dawn Vastola the details. A journal voucher will be done to correct the code. Charge Discrepancies – Further information from Bank of America system may be helpful. Dawn Vastola. Dispute Charges – Dispute form, found in the Procurement Card Manual and in the Form bank, needs to be completed and faxed to Bank of America. Fraudulent Charges – Bank of America needs to be contacted. The account will be closed and a new card will be issued. Dawn Vastola.
Lost or Stolen card Call Bank of America – and contact Dawn Vastola, or Request a Procurement Card Complete form FS-410 and send to Damaris Whyte in Procurement Services, Address change or card cancellation Damaris Whyte,