Breathing Practices For Older Adults
Breathing With Age People tend to become shallow “chest” breathers as they age. Results in decreased oxygen rich blood being delivered to the body. Many times, this is due to developing a forward rounded posture. Inhibits the diaphragm’s ability to fully expand upon inhalation.
Breathing With Age People also tend to breath at a faster rate as they age. Breathing deeply into the diaphragm requires a slower respiration rate than when breathing in a shallow manor. It is not only important to breath deeply into the diaphragm, but also at a slower rate than most are accustomed. The goal is to breath slowly and deeply!
Benefits of Proper Breathing Massages the internal organs. Decreases stress levels. Increases the relaxation response. Serves as a pump for the lymphatic system. Increases circulation. Therefore, may increase memory, concentration, and mood. May relieve chronic pain. May also have a strengthening effect on the bronchial system.
Shallow Breathing and Stress Shallow, fast breathing increases the body’s natural stress response which may contribute to health concerns such as: High blood pressure Irregular heart rhythms Cold hands and skin Anxiety Deep breathing exercises may provide a natural means of controlling or reversing these health conditions.
Test Your Current Breathing Begin by lying flat on your back or by standing or sitting straight up in a chair. Place one hand on your stomach and the other hand on your chest. Breathe as you normally would and notice whether your “stomach” hand or your “chest” hand rises. To breathe properly, your stomach must rise more than your chest as your diaphragm expands. “handout”
Deep Breathing Sessions Each session will provide instruction on how to complete deep breathing techniques with: the proper posture that should be maintained the technique for inhalation and exhalation how often and how long you should practice the given techniques.
Breathing Session Techniques The following techniques will be practiced during the program: Belly & Rib Cage Breathing Relaxation Breathing Ujjayi Breathing Double Breathing Silent Breathing Diaphragmatic Breathing Nostril Breathing Exhalation Breathing
Breathing Session Handouts Upon leaving each session, participants will be given handouts with instructions on how to practice the newly learned techniques at home. Participants are encouraged to continue practicing their favorite techniques on a regular basis.