Unit I/II Power Words
A, AB- from
Ad to
agit does
Agricola farmer
alius other, another
alter: alterum the other, the second
amicus friend
amō, amāre, amāvī- love, like
Animus, animi- spirt, soul, mind
Audio, audere- dare
Audit hears, listens to
bonus good
Cum with
De about
debeo, debere, debui owe, ought
deinde then
deus god
dico, dicere, dixi say
Dies day
dominus master
domus, domūs, f.- home
e from, out of
ego I
est is
et and
etiam even
Facilis- easy
Facit:fecit makes, does
filius son
habet has
Heri yesterday
Hic this
Homo human being, man
Iam now
Igitur therefore
Ille that
Imperium empire
in in
inquit says
inter among
interficio, interficere, interfeci kill
ipse, ipsa himself, herself
iste that
ita in this way
līberō, līberāre, līberāvī - free, set free
locus, locī, m.- place
magnus big, large, great
mater mother
Meus my, mine
mīles, mīlitis, m.- soldier
Mittit: misit sends
mors, mortis, f.- death
Multus/Multi Much/many
nam- for
Nihil nothing
nolo I do not want
non not
Nos we
Noster our
Nunc now
Olim once, some time ago
very good, excellent, best Optimus very good, excellent, best
Parat: paravit prepares
pater father
Per through
Petit heads for, attacks
Post after
quis? Who?
quoque also
sed but
signum sign, seal
Stat stands
Statim at once
Subito suddenly
Tamen however
Terra ground, land
tu you
Tum then
Tuus your, yours
Ubi? Where
Unus one
Urbs city
valde very much, very
Venit comes
videt sees
Vir man
vocat calls