Department of Veterans' Services Financial Management System Interface with BOA P-Card System Presented by Tracy Morrison, Fiscal Director Sitter & Barfoot Veterans’ Care Center Jim Roberts, DVS FMS Program Manager
Historical Perspective
DVSPCI Cardholders miscoding expenditures Cardholders missing key deadlines Accounts Payable using ##09 Codes & ATV Management unable to review expenditures in a timely manner
DVSPCI Enhancements Needed: Actual Vendor and cardholder names shown on trial balance Ability to review P-Card expenditures on the financial system Prompt & Easy processing of payment
DVS Current Process Overview
DVSPCI Current Situation BOA Works is used to reconcile P Cards by Users Reports are extracted monthly Information is keyed into DVS FMS AP to Pay BOA FMS information is interfaced to DOA - CARS One Payment Per Month all to BOA
What Happens on the BOA Works System
NOTE: All Information and screen design is Proprietary and must be considered Confidential
NOTE: All Information and screen design is Proprietary and must be considered Confidential
NOTE: All Information and screen design is Proprietary and must be considered Confidential
NOTE: All Information and screen design is Proprietary and must be considered Confidential
NOTE: All Information and screen design is Proprietary and must be considered Confidential
NOTE: All Information and screen design is Proprietary and must be considered Confidential
NOTE: All Information and screen design is Proprietary and must be considered Confidential
NOTE: All Information and screen design is Proprietary and must be considered Confidential
NOTE: All Information and screen design is Proprietary and must be considered Confidential
NOTE: All Information and screen design is Proprietary and must be considered Confidential
NOTE: All Information and screen design is Proprietary and must be considered Confidential
NOTE: All Information and screen design is Proprietary and must be considered Confidential
NOTE: All Information and screen design is Proprietary and must be considered Confidential
NOTE: All Information and screen design is Proprietary and must be considered Confidential
BOA Report & Interface File NOTE: All Information and screen design is Proprietary and must be considered Confidential DVSPCI BOA Report & Interface File
Interface Process
DVSPCI What is missing from current process: Actual Vendor names for charges Sub-object History Ability to review P-Card expenditures on the financial system with other cost Prompt & Easy processing of payment Card Holder name in the system with charges
BOA P-Card to FMS BOA Receives & Processes Purchase P-Card Purchase User Logs onto BOA WORKS Reviews & Reconciles Reconciled Report Downloaded to Coordinator's PC Staff & Managers access Financial Data CARS Updated File Moved to Server &FMS AP Batch Created / Posted & GL File is Transmitted to DOA
DVSPCI The BOA file will be read by FMS and converted to an FMS Batch file The Batch can then be reviewed for account errors & corrections made Only account codes can be corrected. Any issues with the card information, would have to be corrected in BOA and the file re-downloaded. An AP Screen is being developed to maintain review & modify the Batch. NOTE: All Information and screen design is Proprietary and must be considered Confidential
Report & Interface File From BOA
The next step would be to run a program to format the information from the BOA file format for posting to FMS. NOTE: All Information and screen design is Proprietary and must be considered Confidential
The report now shows two errors. The next step is to go to the maintenance screen and fix the account errors NOTE: All Information and screen design is Proprietary and must be considered Confidential
NOTE: Process would be to follow up with Card Holder about coding. On the Maintenance Screen it can be seen that the Account information is invalid. This can be changed and processing continued. NOTE: Process would be to follow up with Card Holder about coding. NOTE: All Information and screen design is Proprietary and must be considered Confidential
Correcting the Accounts allows the following to occur: Updated Batch posted to FMS AP System will create a file to go on the next CARS Interface for BOA payment The Accounts Payable and General Ledger Systems will be updated GL will be updated with the following: Payments to BOA Actual Vendor information will be available Proper sub object codes will be charged Card holder name will be posted
GL Account Number – Actual Object Code. GL Detail Inquiry GL Account Number – Actual Object Code. NOTE: All Information and screen design is Proprietary and must be considered Confidential
AP Vendor Inquiry Card Holder NOTE: All Information and screen design is Proprietary and must be considered Confidential
AP Vendor Inquiry Card Holder NOTE: All Information and screen design is Proprietary and must be considered Confidential