Principles of Management Learning Session # 14 Dr. A. Rashid Kausar
Re-cap of Session # 13
21st Century Trends And Issues Globalization: All organizations are faced with the opportunities and challenges of operating in a global market, no longer constrained by national borders.
Understanding The Global Environment and WTO
Regional Trading Alliances Global competition is influenced by regional trading and cooperation agreements. EU SARC NAFTA ASEAN
European Union (EU)
Goals of the EU Eliminate existing barriers between countries Create a single market among the 15 member countries Eliminate existing barriers between countries
Regional Trading Alliance The European Union - created by Maastricht Treaty in 1992 1.A unified economic and trade entity. 2.A single market without barriers to travel, employment, investment, and trade.
Regional Trading Alliance 3.Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) Euro - common currency 4.Asertion of economic power 5.Created one of the world’s richest markets
Goals of NAFTA 1.Promote liberalized trade, not free trade Create a U.S., Canadian, and Mexican trade zone 1.Promote liberalized trade, not free trade 2.Increase efficiency and customer satisfaction
Regional Trading Alliance Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) 1.Alliance of 10 Southeast Asian nations 2.Created in one of the fastest growing economic regions in the world 3.Could compete NAFTA and EU
ASEAN Members
The “Greening” Of Management Definition Recognition of the close link between an organization’s decisions and activities and its impact on the natural environment.
POLCA Functions
P For Planning
fail to Plan, You are … Planning to Fail ! If You … fail to Plan, You are … Planning to Fail !
All the Flowers of the Future are the Seeds of Today !
Do U want To go Anywhere Or Somewhere ? Question ? Do U want To go Anywhere Or Somewhere ?
Get a Plan I played with life like a game To find life would be but the same I wondered why at the end of each day Nothing worthwhile had come my way. Then I decided to get myself a Plan And told myself “ I Can” Sure enough it happened on that day Everything started to come my way. Now you can do the same as me For that matter so can any body Simply get yourself a Plan And tell yourself “ I know I can “.
Is in Advance Decision Making Planning Is in Advance Decision Making
Alice in Wonderland and the Clever Cat
Going Nowhere, Will Usually … Get There ! A Person … Going Nowhere, Will Usually … Get There !
If You don’t Stand for something You ‘ll Fall for any thing !