Meeting for the Parents of Year 2 Children Wednesday 19th April - 7pm
Aims of the Meeting To discuss assessments at Key Stage 1 To explain our ideas for The Puttenham Speaking and Listening award (previously ESB) To answer any question you may have
You can help by: Making sure they get enough sleep during the week and the weekends Trying to make sure they eat something for breakfast Getting to school on time and being ready for learning If they are unwell, please inform the office as soon as possible.
The End of Key Stage 1 Assessments There were major changes in the way we assess your children last year which will be explained shortly. At the end of Key Stage 1 the children are assessed in the key curriculum areas of English ( Reading, Writing), Maths and Science. Children’s attainment over the year is assessed by the teachers and you will get a final teacher assessment in July. At the end of the year your children will be assessed against the end of year expectations. Your child will either be judged as developing towards end of year expectations, achieving end of year expectations, or achieving in greater depth.
The End of Key Stage 1 Assessments The main teacher assessments take place between January and June. Schools are regularly moderated to make sure that their judgements are in line with national levels The SATs tests are carried out in May and help support the teachers’ levelling.
Assessments and Tests Please don’t mention tests! The SATs tests are carried out in a more relaxed atmosphere than is evident in other schools so Please don’t mention tests!
To achieve expected by the end of year 2 children need to have met every statement. If they drop just one of the statements then they will not be awarded the expected standard.(Spellings!) In previous years we have used a best fit judgement.
Assessments and Tests – English Spelling & Grammar - 1 paper which covers parts of speech, punctuation, styles of sentence, tenses Reading- 2 papers – comprehension -fiction and non-fiction Numeracy – 2 papers – arithmetic, problem solving. Writing - No formal test, but evidence taken from class work and needs to be seen across a range of genres.
Maths Evidence is taken from- Number and place value Addition and subtraction Multiplication and division Fractions Geometry Position and direction Statistics
Science Teacher Assessment based on scientific skills: Working scientifically -questioning , recording, using equipment, observing changes, noticing similarities. Learning is through key topics Living things and their habitats Plants Animals including humans Seasonal changes Materials As with other subjects, they have to meet all statements to achieve expected standard
Reporting Back Any questions about SATS? Results will be sent out with the Reports in July and will consist of teacher assessment levels. Please note – this is dependent upon DfE publishing results in time. Any questions about SATS?
Puttenham Speaking and Listening Award In previous years we have used ESB. Due to various concerns, particularly value for money we have decided to change things this year. Section 1 – Presenting – (show and tell)…show your listeners something that is special to you, and talk about it without using notes. (2 minutes) Section 2 – Speaking by heart – Poetry - Give the title and the poet’s name before reciting from memory a poem that you enjoy. (1 min)
The syllabus (cont) Section 3 - Reading aloud – Choose a favourite book suitable for your reading ability, and read a passage of about 100 words. Tell your listeners the title and author to introduce your reading. Section 4 – Listening and responding. Answer questions from the assessor, and listeners after your talk, and be ready to be questioned by others in your group.
Preparation time All these areas will be practised in school, however further support from home will be needed. Please make sure you have chosen your book/poem/presentation by Tuesday 7th June We can suggest poems and passages from books if you are having difficulty.
A letter will be coming home soon about the award A letter will be coming home soon about the award. There will be a cost of approximately £10. Please return the slip asap so we can start to plan timetables etc. If anyone has concerns over the cost please speak to Mrs Rowlands.
Popular ESB books Diary of a Killer Cat – Anne Fine The Terrible Twins –Dick King-Smith Charlotte’s Web – E.B.White Any Roald Dahl books The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark – J, Tomlinson Alice in Wonderland – Lewis Carroll Paddington Bear – Michael Bond
Ideas for Show and tell Photographs – pets, holidays, Favourite toy Old family object Items specific to hobby – sport, music, cooking, art etc Can do a board, but not essential. A number of props help children remember.
Any questions?? In spite of the fact that this is a crucial year, and that we expect the children to work hard, we hope that they will have an enjoyable and memorable final term at Puttenham School!