Arabidopsis and Oil Tinus, Matt, Josh, Nicole
Hypothesis If the concentration of oil in the agar is increased, the growth decreases.
Measurements We measured the growth of the arabidopsis plant twice over a period of 2 weeks. In these measurements we measured root length, shoot length, and total length.
Summary For some unknown reason the 1% of oil in the agar grew more than the 0.1% of oil in the agar. The control also grew less than the 0.01% of oil in the agar.
Meaning of results The results show that the percentage of oil in the agar does not really have an influence on the growth of the arabidopsis.
Hypothesis+Results Hypothesis : If the concentration of oil in the agar is increased, the growth decreases. Our hypothesis was not correct, since the 1% of oil in the agar grew more than the 0.1%. Also the 0.01% of oil in the agar grew more than the control group.
Unforseen To some extent our hypothesis was correct, since the control and the 0.01% grew more than the 0.1% and the 1%. But it was wrong in the sense that the 1% grew more than the 0.1% and the 0.01% grew more than the control.