Latin Roots Astr, Stell Mean “Star”
science which studies stars and their movements astronomy science which studies stars and their movements
asteroid a star like body in space; a small planet
constellation a group of stars
stelliform star-shaped
astrodome clear dome of an aircraft for viewing the stars and sky
astrologer person who examines the stars’ influence on people
stellar like a star; most important
aster a fall flower shaped like a star
asterisk a star used in printing to refer to a margin note
disaster event that occurs under the influence of a negative star; a calamity
Number the Stars Vocabulary
tentatively with hesitation as though unsure
specter a ghostly appearing figure causing fear or dread
hazy not clear; vague; confused
imprinted a mark made by pressure; a mark or figure impressed or printed on something.
swastika this figure was the official emblem of the Nazi party and the Third Reich
rabbi a Jewish leader and teacher
rationed fixed allowance of something like food or clothing for one person for each day
synagogue the house of worship and communal center of a Jewish community
lanky tall, thin, and awkward
Nazi name used to identify members of the National Socialist German Workers Party which ruled Germany from 1933-1945 under Hitler