God, in your grace, transform the world.


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Presentation transcript:

God, in your grace, transform the world.

World Council of Churches The WCC Assemblies 1948-2006 The World Council of Churches is the world's largest ecumenical organization. It aims to promote Christian unity in faith, witness and service. The WCC fellowship counts over 340 Protestant, Anglican, Orthodox, united and independent churches in over 100 countries representing more than 550 million Christians. This presentation is an introduction to the 9th assembly of the WCC.

The nine WCC assemblies WCC 9th Assembly 2006 The nine WCC assemblies Amsterdam 1948 Evanston 1954 New Delhi 1961 Uppsala 1968 Nairobi 1975 Vancouver 1983 Canberra 1991 Harare 1998 Porto Alegre 2006 There have been eight previous assemblies since the foundation of the WCC in 1948. Each one has been a major milestone in the building of the ecumenical movement and the deepening of Christian unity. In the words of the opening worship for the 50th anniversary of the WCC ‘For fifty years we have gathered in the assemblies of the World Council of Churches, in response to the prayer of Jesus, that we may be one.’ The following texts are taken from the jubilee recommitment service at the WCC’s eighth assembly in 1998.

‘Man’s Disorder and God’s Design’ Amsterdam, 1948 In Amsterdam we recognized the disorder of humankind in the face of your design for the world. Your design is the glory of a world reconciled to you and signed by the harmonies in all creation. We wait in hope for it still. ‘Man’s Disorder and God’s Design’

‘Christ - the Hope of the World’ Evanston, 1954 Evanston lifted up the one who is forever our living way: "Christ -- the hope of the world." We claim this hope again, a costly hope, crucified and risen in power before us. Hail to the Christ, the name beyond all names! ‘Christ - the Hope of the World’

‘Jesus Christ - the Light of the World’ In New Delhi we celebrated the flame of your life among us: "Jesus Christ - the light of the world." The light is now flickering, now flaming bright, challenging the shadows, forever warming the cold souls of our despair. New Delhi, 1961

‘Behold, I Make All Things New’ Uppsala, 1968 In Uppsala we lifted up our hearts and proclaimed your promise: "Behold, I make all things new." The vision of a new heaven and a new earth, arising in grace before us, called forth before the starkness of our life. ‘Behold, I Make All Things New’

‘Jesus Christ Frees and Unites’ "Jesus Christ frees and unites" we sang in the midst of Nairobi's life: people from around the earth, standing before God in our captivities and disunities and naming a divine possibility. Nairobi, 1975

‘Jesus Christ - the Life of the World’ In Vancouver we gathered in faith before you, "Jesus Christ - the life of the world." We stood in wonder before the defeat of death, determined as now to reveal your victory, made real before the eyes of all people. Vancouver, 1983

‘Come Holy Spirit - Renew the Whole Creation’ "Come, Holy Spirit - renew the whole creation" was the longing prayer in Canberra. You, and you only, O God, are the source of our renewal. We bowed in humble faith before you, offering ourselves to work with you, in the power and truth of your Spirit. Canberra, 1991

‘Turn to God - Rejoice in Hope’ In Harare, we celebrate the hope which is in God and the Jubilee of the WCC. We give thanks and praise to God for the journeying of our past. Great is your faithfulness, O God! Harare, 1998

Deus, em tua graça, transforma o mundo WCC 9th Assembly 2006 Deus, em tua graça, transforma o mundo

God, in your grace, transform the world