Period 3 & 7 We will examine the growth of Native American populations prior to the arrival of Europeans. Warm Up Seating Chart Go over homework Cahokia Indians Chapter Notes US Map Online Review
What were three things you found out about Native American societies that existed prior to their discovery by Europeans?
Cahokia Indians Describe the physical characteristics of Cahokia. Where does the center of community life appear to be? From looking at the picture, where do you think the elite members of the community lived? Why? If you know that the Monk's Mound in the picture rivaled in size the pyramids of Egypt, what deductions can you make of ancient Indian civilization in comparison to that of the ancient Egyptians?
US MAP What are three states that are of Spanish origin? What are three states named after royalty? What are three states that are of Native American origin? What state’s name is Polynesian? What state is named for an American?