AFSAC Online Supply Discrepancy Report (SDR) Materiel Return Guidelines AFLCMC/WFALB September 2018 AFLCMC/WFNJ Case No. 16,412 This briefing/presentation/document is for Information Only. No USG commitment to sell, loan, lease, co-develop or co-produce defense articles or provide defense articles is implied or intended.
DD Form 1348-1A Shipping Guidelines Defense Transportation System (DTS) must have a valid DODAAC to move materiel to a “Ship To” address If DTS receives materiel with no DODAAC (Department of Defense Activity Address Code , they often ship to a ‘random’ nearby DODAAC, and materiel gets lost DOD not responsible for materiel lost in transit Not all “Ship To” addresses have a registered DODAAC If ship to DODAAC exists AND country has an active/valid DTS turn-in point located in their country, they may use DTS If ship to DODAAC not available, country must return materiel directly to the “Ship To” address on DD Fm 1348-1A via commercial carrier … NOT DTS! Some customers return to freight forwarder for onward shipment to final CONUS destination CAGE (Commercial and Government. Entity) CODE is not a valid DODAAC and requires shipment through commercial carrier such as FedEx, UPS, DHL, etc. AFSAC SDR Office prepares DD Fm 1348-1A based on these basic guidelines … International Partners must comply with DD Fm 1348-1A shipping instructions
DD Form 1348-1A—No DODAAC Return via Commercial Carrier Blank Note says 1st Destination Not Available No DTS Fund Cite
DD Form 1348-1A w/valid DODAAC Return via DTS Turn-In Point 1st Destination Available DTS Fund Cite Available