What does this picture suggest? Human Evolution What does this picture suggest?
What is the connection between Apes and Humans?
Homo sapien Kingdom – Animalia Phylum – Chordata Class – Mammalia Order – Primates Family – Hominidae Genus – Homo Species – sapien
Hominid vs Pongid Hominid Pongid Facial Prognathism (facial angle) Flat face Protrudes forward Sagital Crest Absent Present Brow Ridge Very slight Very prominent Foramen Magnum (hole at base) Indicates upright posture (bipedalism) Indicates bent posture (quadraped) Cranial Capacity Large Smaller than humans Other
E Homo erectus B Homo habilis F Australopithecus afarensis K Paranthropus robustus H Australopithecus africanus I Paranthropus aethiopicus G Homo sapien (cromagnon) C Homo rudolfensis D Homo heidelborgensis A Homo neaderthalensis J Paranthropus boisei
E Homo erectus B Homo habilis F Australopithecus afarensis K Paranthropus robustus H Australopithecus africanus I Paranthropus aethiopicus G Homo sapien (cromagnon) C Homo rudolfensis D Homo heidelborgensis A Homo neaderthalensis J Paranthropus boisei E 300,000 – 600,000 B 1.9 mya F 2.9 – 3.6 mya K 1.5 – 2.0 mya H 2.5 mya I 2.5 mya G 30,000 – 32,000 C 1.8 – 1.9 mya D 125,000 – 400,000 A 50,000 J 1.8 mya
H. sapien Gorilla A H. neaderthalensis G H. sapien cromagnon D H. heidelborgensis E H. erectus B H. habils K P. robustus C H. rudolfensis J P. boisei H A. africanus I P. aethiopicus F A. afarensis “Lucy”