John 6:1-15
Jesus is the Bread of Life Jn 6:24-27, Son of man will give Jn 6:31-35, 47-52, I Am the bread of life A Figure of Speech the Jews did not Understand
Jesus has Given us the Word Jn 6:41-45, He that hears and learns Jn 6:61-64, Words Jesus speaks are life Jn 14:16-17, 26, Promise of the Comforter Lk 24:49, Instructed to stay in Jerusalem Acts 1:8, 2:2-4, Fulfillment of Jesus promise
Jesus has Given us Hope: Of Living Righteous in this World Heb 2:16-18, 4:14-16, He lived in this world and can sympathize with us I Cor 10:13, Promised a way of escape when tempted
Jesus has Given us Hope: Of Redemption from our Sin Heb 10:1-4, Sacrifice that forgives Heb 7:22-27, a high priest making intercessions for us Heb 9:11-15, 22, by his death
Jesus has Given us Hope: Of Resurrection from Dead Jn 6:40, 44, will be raised up in the last day I Thes 4:13-18, when Jesus returns I Cor 15, resurrection from the Dead
Jesus has Given us Hope: Of Eternal Life Jn 6:40, 63, 68, Jesus has the words of Eternal Life Jn 14:1-4, Jesus goes to prepare a place for us
Jesus has Given us the Word Jesus has Given us Hope Of Living Righteous in this World Of Redemption from our Sin Of Resurrection from Dead Of Eternal Life All that we need for Spiritual Sustenance
Jn 6:66-69 Where Will We Go?