Changes, What Changes? Integrating Living Mission
Integrated Curriculum: Goals Adult Curriculum Children's Curriculum
Children's Missions When we help our children focus on missions, the whole church benefits!
Give Pastor and Council: 1. Goals... Who, when, and how will we promote reaching goals? 2. Curriculum Plan
Month-by-Month Plans Adapt to fit your church Mark important events on calendar Assign computer "expert" downloading jobs ahead of time
Teen Techs Win/ Win District training/ local training Give jump drive as gift Give resource DVD
8: Absorbing Christ-like Humility Church Family at the Table Family Celebration Extended family: LINKS Kidz Passport-USA, Canada, & Caribbean-An Overview
The Servant Song
Serving in Humility 9: Alabaster Shoeshine
10: Pursuing Gods Call NMI Appreciates our Pastor(s): Honor Pastor with a reception & gift Kidz Mission: Belize-focuses on God-called workers
11: Embracing Gods Call Persecuted Church Thanksgiving Offering Kidz, Haiti…Turkey Trot
Turkey Trot Mission Connection
12: Desiring Simplicity Simplify Christmas-NCM Gift Card Church Post Office to benefit Child Sponsorship Kidz-Canada focuses on call
1: Developing Simplicity Souper Bowl for church family to share with shut-ins…Volunteers! Share Simplicity recipes, tips Check-up for NMI; gift for 1 st All Book Reader Kidz-Dominica focuses on W&W
2: Lighting the Global Village –Alabaster Tour
3: Celebrating the Global Village DSA Brunch/ Reception Global Melting Pot Dinner Engage subscription focus Kidz-Guyana: diversity
4: Grasping a Legacy of Leaving Tea Light Ceremony Download early: Easter 4/20/14 Kidz-Suriname focuses on legacy of leaving
5: Planning a Legacy of Leaving Dr. Larry Garman* Memorial Roll-Legacy Kidz-Puerto Rico-good evangelism lesson Show Jesus Film for Kids Give Magdalena to Shelter
5:Living Mission Mothers Day-LM Facebook
6: When Helping Hurts- Partner Kidz-Jamaica focuses on CCKs and other NCM projects Jamaican Tasting Party World Mission Broadcast
7: When Helping Hurts- Pray Prayer Walk, focusing on Seminaries/ Bible Schools, especially Nazarene Indian Bible School, Kidz, Native Americans. School Pal-Paks
Three Curriculums for One Price! Barriers Trafficking Walk Humbly VBS/ small groups/ Womens/ Mens Groups