An area of land that is flat but rises higher than the land around it. PLATEAU An area of land that is flat but rises higher than the land around it.
A low land between hills or mountains. VALLEY A low land between hills or mountains.
An area where there is little or no rainfall DESERT An area where there is little or no rainfall
A part of the ocean that is partially surrounded by land GULF A part of the ocean that is partially surrounded by land
Gently sloping land that is not as high as a mountain. HILL Gently sloping land that is not as high as a mountain.
Land surrounded by water (on every side!) ISLAND Land surrounded by water (on every side!)
Water surrounded by land (all around-opposite of Island) LAKE Water surrounded by land (all around-opposite of Island)
High, rocky land with steep sides MOUNTAIN High, rocky land with steep sides
Large body of salt water. OCEAN Large body of salt water.
A broad (large) area of level or treeless country. PLAIN A broad (large) area of level or treeless country.
Flowing water that empties into a large body of water. River Flowing water that empties into a large body of water.
Land that is surrounded by land only on three sides. PENINSULA Land that is surrounded by land only on three sides.