Project Overview Introduction to Factory Automation Numerical Control Build an autonomous robotic solution Testing an autonomous robot build by human control Programming a autonomous robot Exploring sensors Autonomous robot design challenge Industrial applications build challenge Industrial applications robot delivery Manufacturing system design challenge
LESSON 11 STARTER Learning objective: Plan a presentation to present your final, functional robot solution. Share out responsibility for delivering the proof of your robotics solution, prove your robot can perform using sensors and programming. What makes a great presentation? It is important to present to clients or stakeholders, as these skills will make you perfect for roles within an engineering business where you will be customer facing. Communication is a key skill. There are other core skills that will help you achieve this. They are as follows: Structure Create a logical order including introduction, the main content, and conclusion with Q&A Practice Ensure you have prepared by practicing sections or all of the presentation Body language Create a welcoming mood by smiling, eye contact and good posture whilst standing Speech Speak with confidence and knowledge on your topic, at a steady pace with common language Notes Create yourself bullet points on postcards to support/queue up your presentation Interact Build rapport with the audience by asking questions or interacting with them Nerves Hide nerves by not holding paper to read from, speaking slowly, and take pauses Visualise Avoid large amounts of written content and go for images instead to engage the audience
autonomous Robotics Industrial Apps Build Time In your teams, you are working towards final build time. As a reminder, consider the following roles for your team: Programmer – someone to program, tweaking and adjusting the code until it works perfectly Builder – individuals who can solve build problems, see solutions, and adapt ideas as they work Management – a person who can say yes/no at the right time, decide for the team given the circumstances, and give direction towards a shared time constrained goal Support work – those who are less confident with leading the project or the build, but who can chip in to keep the project moving and organised,
Presentation time! The order of presentations will be… 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
LESSON 11 Plenary As a class, let us consider the following questions? A. Why are presentation skills important for life? B. What is a good presentation? C. What is a bad presentation? D. How could you prepare for a presentation without a functional product? What could you use as a back up?
LESSON 11 Summary Today you have: Learning objective: Plan a presentation to present your final functional robot solution, share out responsibility for delivering the proof of your robotics solution, prove your robot can perform using sensors and programming. Today you have: Planned and delivered a presentation of your robot Delivered a presentation by working as a team Demonstrated your robot as a proof of concept