Washington, D.C., February 24, 2012 R E M J A THE MEETINGS OF MINISTERS OF JUSTICE OR OTHER MINISTERS OR ATTORNEYS GENERAL OF THE AMERICAS ("REMJA" PROCESS) Committee on Juridical and Political Affairs of the OAS Permanent Council Washington, D.C., February 24, 2012
SCOPE OF THE PRESENTATION The REMJA process. Origin, functions and composition. Institutionalization. Outcomes and specific developments in REMJA meetings Report on the current status of the REMJA process pursuant to resolution AG/RES. 2657 (XLI-O/11).
The REMJA Process
The REMJA Process Origin. Functions: Principal hemispheric forum for sharing information and experiences, coordinating public policies, and consolidating and boosting cooperation. Composition: Ministers of Justice, Public Prosecutors, and Attorneys General of the OAS member states.
The REMJA Process The REMJA meetings are held every 2 years. REMJA I (Buenos Aires, 1997) REMJA II (Lima, 1999) REMJA III (San José, 2000) REMJA IV (Port of Spain, 2002) REMJA V (OAS Headquarters, 2004) REMJA VI (Santo Domingo, 2006) REMJA VII (Washington, D.C., 2008) REMJA VIII (Brasilia, 2010) REMJA IX (Upcoming, El Salvador, 2012)
The REMJA Process Institutionalization of the process: Agreement on institutionalizing the process (REMJA VI). Negotiations process (2006-2008). Adoption of the "Document of Washington" (REMJA VII): Contents and scope: Composition; organization and modus operandi; working groups and technical meetings; relations with OAS organs and other cooperation processes; Technical and Administrative Secretariat.
Specific developments and outcomes of the REMJA meetings
Outcomes and developments Principal thematic areas in which specific cooperation processes and developments have resulted from recommendations of the REMJA meetings
Outcomes and developments Support for Judicial Reform in the Region: Creation of the Justice Studies Center of the Americas (JSCA) www.cejamericas.org
Outcomes and developments 2. Cooperation in Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters and Extradition: The REMJA Working Group Composition: Central Government and international cooperation authorities and other governmental experts with responsibilities in the area of mutual legal assistance in criminal matters and extradition. Purpose: Principal hemispheric form for strengthening cooperation, facilitating the exchange of information and sharing of experience, and putting forward recommendations in those areas.
Outcomes and developments 2. Cooperation in Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters and Extradition : Meetings of the REMJA Working Group. I Meeting (Ottawa, 2003) II Meeting (Brasilia, 2005) III Meeting (Bogotá, 2007) IV Meeting (San Salvador, 2009) V Meeting (Upcoming, Asunción, May 2012)
Outcomes and developments 2. Cooperation in Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters and Extradition: A few specific outcomes: Diagnostic assessment of problems, formulation of a recommendation, and monitoring of its implementation. Model Law on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters. Guides to best practices . Model form for requesting assistance. Legal terminology glossary and dictionary. Cooperation with other international bodies.
Outcomes and developments 3. The Hemispheric Information Exchange Network for Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters and Extradition : Set of electronic tools to facilitate cooperation and information sharing among central authorities and experts in mutual assistance in criminal matters and extradition, and to make them more efficient. www.oas.org/juridico/MLA
Outcomes and developments 3. The Hemispheric Information Exchange Network for Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters and Extradition: Composition : Public Component: Virtual Library for cost-free legal information for OAS member states. Private Component: Useful information for persons directly involved in legal cooperation Secure Components: I.T. tools for managing a cooperative and secure working environment, including a videoconferencing system.
Outcomes and developments 4. Legal cooperation against Cybercrime: The Working Group for REMJA meetings. Composition: Government experts with responsibilities in this field and for international cooperation in the investigation and prosecution of cybercrime. Purpose: Principal hemispheric forum for strengthening cooperation, facilitating exchanges of information and sharing of experiences, and making the necessary recommendations for achieving those goals.
Outcomes and developments Legal cooperation against Cybercrime: The REMJA Working Group on Cybercrime has met 7 times since 2003. A few concrete outcomes: Diagnostic assessments of the states in this area, drafting of a recommendation, and monitoring of implementation. 17 training workshops: More than 600 prosecuting attorneys and investigators trained. Topics: drafting of legislation; handling of electronic evidence; investigation techniques.
Outcomes and developments 5. Inter-American Cooperation Portal on Cybercrime: Set of electronic tools to facilitate cooperation and information-sharing among authorities responsible for international legal cooperation in the investigation and prosecution of cybercrime, and to render that process more efficient. www.oas.org/juridico/english/cyber.htm
Outcomes and developments 5. Inter-American Cooperation Portal on Cybercrime: Contents: National legislation. Directories of National Authorities. National Links. Participation – G8 24/7 High Tech Crime Network. Training Workshops (presentations, guidelines, programs, etc.). Working Group developments.
Outcomes and developments 6. Hemispheric Cooperation in Penitentiary and Prison Policies The REMJA Working Group. The meeting process: July 2012. 7. Hemispheric Cooperation in Forensic Investigation: Start of the Meetings Process 2009. 8. Hemispheric Cooperation in Family and Child Law. Cooperation Network (2010): www.oas.org/dil/family_law.htm
Outcomes and developments 9. Hemispheric Cooperation against Transnational Organized Crime REMJA initiative to draft a Hemispheric Plan of Action on the subject. Adoption of the Plan of Action and establishment of a Technical Group. Monitoring of developments and outcomes. 10. Hemispheric Cooperation against Trafficking in Persons: REMJA initiative to hold hemispheric technical meetings on the subject.
Report on the current status of the REMJA meetings process pursuant to Resolution AG/RES. 2657 (XLI-O/11)
Status report on the REMJA meetings Recent developments pursuant to resolution AG/RES. 2657 (XLI-O/11): Seventh Meeting of the Working Group on Cybercrime (February 6 and 7, 2012, OAS headquarters). Regional Workshop offering Training in Investigation Techniques (Guatemala, March 27-29, 2012): Countries invited: Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Panama.
Status report on the REMJA meetings Recent developments pursuant to resolution AG/RES. 2657 (XLI-O/11): Fifth Meeting of the Working Group on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters and Extradition (May 29-31, 2012, Asunción). Third Meeting of the Working group on Penitentiary and Prison Policies (July 18 and 19, 2012, OAS headquarters). REMJA-IX (second half 2012, San Salvador).
Thank you General Secretariat Secretariat for Legal Affairs Department of Legal Cooperation LegalCooperation@oas.org