Sierras Winery & Vineyard
Sierras Winery & Vineyard Ecological winery & vineyard which has won major awards. They currently sell five wines of great quality registered as organic products in several markets including the Chinese market and are currently being promoted in Latin America. The ground in its entirety and the winery are certified to practice organic farming. The winery is located next to a Spa, which features a water quality of the most important in Europe for its healing properties. The winery has special caves that maintain the wine temperature between 18 ° -. 19 ° C.
Description Elements that made this place was chosen at the beginning of the project also the added value of being able to also develop a point of interest for wine tourism, can this count with numerous activities of interest to this type of tourism. The wines of the winery are registered as organic products in several markets including the Chinese market. They are currently being promoted organic wines in Latin America. There is a project sale for the Swiss, German, Swedish and Norwegian market due to interest there is of organic products in these countries.
Wine Cave
Location The winery is located in a magnificent setting, surrounded by three natural parks, Sierra Nevada, Sierra de Huetor and Sierra de Baza, which provide wonderful scenery from their location, opening a nice valley that has as its backdrop the slopes of Sierra Nevada.
Viewing arrangements . Viewing is strictly by appointment with selling agents Pavilions of Splendour International Inc An LOI and proof of funds will be required prior to viewing To make an appointment either email Telephone 0034 603 424 175 Skype pavilionsofsplendour