Present Middle & Passive Indicative Chapter 18
Types of Voice Voice – the relationship of the subject to the action of the verb. Active: The subject performs the action, e.g. “I hit the ball.” Passive: The subject receives the action of the verb, e.g., “I was hit by the ball.” Middle: The subject participates in the action of the verb, e.g., “I hit the ball for myself” In the present tense, the middle and passive are identical in form.
lu,w I Loose lu,omai lu,eij You Loose lu,h| lu,ei He Looses lu,etai Active Voice Passive/Middle Voice Sng lu,w I Loose lu,omai lu,eij You Loose lu,h| lu,ei He Looses lu,etai Pl lu,omen We Loose luo,meqa lu,ete Ya’ll Loose lu,esqe lu,ousin They Loose lu,ontai
lu,w lu,omai I am loosed lu,eij lu,h| You are… lu,ei lu,etai He is… Active Voice Passive/Middle Voice Sng lu,w lu,omai I am loosed lu,eij lu,h| You are… lu,ei lu,etai He is… Pl lu,omen luo,meqa We are… lu,ete lu,esqe Ya’ll are… lu,ousin lu,ontai They are…
Passive/Middle Contact Verbs avgapw/mai I am loved avgapa/| Sng avgapw/mai I am loved avgapa/| You are loved avgapa/tai He is loved Pl avgapw,meqa We are loved avgapa/sqe Ya’ll are loved avgapw/ntai They are loved
Deponent Verbs These are verbs that are always and only middle or passive in form. They are active in meaning Example: e;rcomai: “I come” In any given tense, a verb will be either regular or deponent, not both