2008 Billfish Workplan SCI-052 / 2007
Summary Improvements of basic catch and cpue statistics for other billfish, with a focus on artisanal landings Development of methods to better interpret the historical changes in CPUE from longline data. Work on age, growth and reproduction to provide a comprehensive view of spawning and growth patterns for all billfish stocks.
Summary (cont.) Conduct the next assessment of sailfish through a two stage process: Hold a data preparatory meeting in the first half of 2008 to produce : Estimates of sailfish catches Estimate catch of all fleets, including filling gaps were catch is know to be underreported split away any spearfish reported as sailfish Split away any sailfish reported as billfish unclassified. Relative abundance indices Review sailfish biology Have a full assessment of eastern and western stocks of sailfish in 2009.
Biological studies Complete estimation of age and growth for blue marlin and white marlin Refocus reproduction, age and growth studies towards sailfish and spearfish. Continue and expand the analysis of tissue samples of white marlin and spearfish to evaluate the presence of round scale spearfish in the western Atlantic. Continue the program that aims to describe vertical distribution and habitat of billfish. Continue conventional tagging activities focusing more in the south Atlantic and Eastern Atlantic by attempting to restart conventional tagging in the Cote d’Ivoire recreational fishery.
Improvement of catch data Coordination of a review of billfish catches and the design of a monitoring program in the eastern Caribbean with the FAO-WECAFC ad hoc group on moored FADs. Collaboration with the ICCAT tropical tuna working group to estimate the historical by-catch of billfish from purse seine fisheries in West Africa and its landings as part of the FAUX POISSON mix. Support the improvement of sampling programs for artisanal fisheries, specially in West Africa.
Sailfish data meeting Estimates of sailfish catches Relative abundance indices Review sailfish biology
Update estimates of catch for all components of the directed and bycatch fisheries with an emphasis of the main sources of historic harvest: Bycatch from industrial longlines fleets Bycatch from tropical purse seine Artisanal gillnet Artisanal FAD fleets Recreational Estimates of live releases for all fleets
Update relative abundance estimates for fleets for which previous estimates were obtained US Longline US Rod and Reel Japanese Longline (by stock) Chinese Taipei Longline Venezuelan Longline
Obtain relative abundance indices for other important fleets Artisanal gillnet Cote d’ivoire Ghana Senegal Venezuela Sao Tome Brazilian longline
Review biological information available with an emphasis on: Habitat utilization Growth and ageing Reproduction and fecundity Migration Survival
Where will the meeting be held ?