Miami-Dade County Homeless Trust 2018 CoC NOFA Miami-Dade County Homeless Trust
Important Dates Reallocation Discussion Monday, July 16, 2018 Deadline for Written Questions Monday, July 23, 2018 Letters of Intent Deadline for Submission of RFA Applications Wednesday, August 1, 2018 Second Reallocation Discussion Monday, August 6, 2018 Selection Committee scoring of new projects & opportunity for oral presentations Thursday, August 16, 2018 Notification to applicants regarding recommendations Friday, August 17, 2018 Deadline for written appeals Tuesday, August 21, 2018 Miami-Dade County Homeless Trust Board approves recommendations Friday, August 24, 2018
Cone of Silence Prohibition on communication with the County’s professional staff Does not apply to: oral communications at pre-proposal conferences, oral presentations before selection committees, contract negotiations, public presentations made during any duly noticed meeting, & communications in writing at any time with any county employee.
What’s new Transition grants, Domestic Violence bonus project(s), Expansion of non-CoC funded projects, Reallocation of TH or SH to create joint TH:RRH for youth, Increase Admin to 10%, Apply for indirect costs, and Consolidation of up to three (3) projects.
Transition Grant Eliminate whole project(s) to create new PH-PSH, PH-RRH, Joint TH and PH-RRH Change program component without having to close out the prior grant and start up an entirely new grant No more than 50% of each transition grant may be used for costs of eligible activities of the program component originally funded Must meet all FY 2018 CoC Program Competition eligibility and threshold requirements If more than one eligible renewal project was reallocated to create a single transition grant, HUD will use the day after the end of the earliest expiring grant term as start date for new grant Project will have 1 year to fully transition from the original component Transition grants cannot use the consolidation process
DV Bonus CoC may apply for up to 10 percent of its Preliminary Pro Rata Need (PPRN) In Miami-Dade we project $1,494,611 will be available through this solicitation – this in additional to other Bonus projects Must create Rapid Re-Housing program providing short-to medium- term rental assistance with at least $4,000 in support services per household Program must solely serve survivors of domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking
Expansion Projects Expansion of existing CoC PH project Add units or persons served Add support services to legacy S+C program Expansion of non-CoC project Add support services to non-CoC PH program to create PSH LOI must list expiring grant name & FL#, and indicate how application will add units/services
Admin and Indirect Costs Providers may increase Admin to 10% (required for new projects) Providers may request Indirect Costs LOI Federally approved rate or 10% If chosen, this methodology must be used consistently for all federal awards until the entity chooses to submit an indirect cost rate proposal and negotiate for a rate Applicant seeking indirect costs funding must assure that costs charged to the indirect rate are not double billed as direct costs.
Consolidations Required for programs serving same household with 2 separate grants New and renewal program applications required Budget Line Items (BLI) for the consolidated project must exactly match the sum of the BLIs for each individual project Provider must submit expiring grant numbers, operating start and end dates in CY 2019 Projects are in good standing with HUD New project date will = date of earliest expiring grant
Renewal Projects Tier 1 94% of ARD Must apply to receive renewal funding Must continue same effort of chronic set-asides (DedicatedPLUS) May request less than FMR TH must reallocate to provide TH:RRH for youth Abbreviated application confirming eSnaps project Must submit new project application for reallocation, expansion, transition projects & consolidations
Preferred Housing Type Reallocation May Create ($1,788,672) Preferred Housing Type RRH PSH DedicatedPLUS Expansion* Transition projects TH:RRH for youth Mixed household types Households w/o children Add units & services to S+C TH to RRH or TH:RRH Reallocate TH or SH *Expansion component is a separate application ranked in Tier 2
Preferred Housing Type New Bonus May Create ($1,788,672) Preferred Housing Type RRH PSH Expansion Transition projects TH:RRH for youth Mixed household types Households w/o children Add units & services to S+C TH to RRH or TH:RRH Reallocate TH or SH
Scoring Renewals Grants will be scored using HUD tools HUD Rating and ranking Tool HUD Housing First Tool (bonus points for completing in year 1) New grants will be scored by a Selection Committee appointed by the Mayor using our home grown scoring which is tied to the application
Letters of Intent due 2 pm, July 23 The name of the sponsoring agency, contact person, title, and phone number. The project name and FL number. Voluntary reallocation or expansion amount, if applicable. A detailed explanation by eligible activity of where the reallocated funds are coming from. Explanation describing any differences between voluntary reallocation and reallocation proposed by Trust. Provider’s intent to either use reallocation to apply for a new project, or adjust their budget. Applying for a new project (bonus or reallocation) indicating the type of new project. Project applicants that intend to charge indirect costs to the conditional HUD CoC award. Bonus for Restrictive Covenants
Other Important Solicitation Sections Threshold requirements Read the HUD NOFA Review content of application to ensure you submit all required forms in your response Appeal process Appeals must be received in writing by the timeline set in the RFA The Executive Committee or Board will hear appeals