The CBD – town centre (Central Business District) Map reproduced with the permission of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office © Crown Copyright
Older Housing near the CBD – ‘Inner City’
Newer Housing (1930s-1050s) – Inner Suburbs
Outer Suburbs (Housing after 1960)
Industrial Areas
Click on this icon on the bottom of the screen. Click on DEC shared area or ‘subjects’ folder. Click on the BHS Shared area folder. This will bring up a list of folders with subject names on them. Find ‘geography’ – alphabetical order. The next four steps are on the next slide – make sure you’ve kept up to date so far.
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Douglas Land Use Task By ….
Instructions Open a new PowerPoint Title ‘Douglas Land Use Task’ & ‘by … your name…’ in the subtitle box Open Google Chrome Type in: ‘’ into the bar at the top of the page Find each land use type in Douglas Take a screenshot (pressing the ‘prt sc’ key) Create a new slide in your PowerPoint Paste screenshot onto this slide Crop it to size if needed Label the characteristics of each land use type onto your map using arrows and text boxes – this is harder than the other tasks – it will show you’re working at high level 4 – if it’s too hard for you, just move on to the next land use zone
Map of Douglas CBD
Map of Douglas Older Housing (Inner City)
Map of Douglas Suburbs/Newer Housing
Map of Industrial Area Near Douglas
If you get this far… Check you have labelled the maps with characteristics… Now try find another town/city It can be another town on the IOM or maybe a town or city in the UK you have visited… London might be too big for this, try some of the smaller cities Maybe try Aylesbury – it is the town from the book