End of key stage 1 tests 2018
We will be looking at: Age related expectations Tests and scaled scores Sample tests KS1 end of year assessments
End of year expectations In September 2014 the National Curriculum raised expectations The curriculum is now embedded and the children have been working on it since entering year 1
End of KS1 expectations in reading
End of KS1 expectations in writing
End of KS1 expectations in maths
End of KS1 expectations in maths
Scaled Scores These are used for reporting National Curriculum test outcomes Scaled score help test results to be reported consistently and maintain meaning over time National Standard will be 100 Raw score that equates to 100 might be different each year
Reporting scaled scores Raw score will be translated to a scaled score using a conversion table Pupils will receive a raw score, scaled score and confirmation of attainment of the national standard based on final teacher assessment
KS1 tests Reading 2 papers – 1 with text and questions combined, 1 with more challenging text with questions in a separate booklet. Texts will be unrelated Different text types e.g. fiction, non-fiction, poetry Greater focus on comprehension Grammar, punctuation and spelling (optional) One short answer paper One spelling test - complete sentences with word missing Emphasis on technical aspects of grammar No English writing test – teacher assessment across a number of pieces.
Paper 2 – separate question and answer booklet
Grammar paper
Mathematics 2 papers (arithmetic and mathematical reasoning) Arithmetic test to assess basic mathematical calculations Questions will cover: calculations involving the four operations (using 2 digit numbers) calculations with fractions
Paper 2 – reasoning starts with 5 oral questions read out by the teacher followed by problem solving style questions.
How we deliver the tests Whole class, groups or individuals Breaks and rests can be incorporated Delivered between 1st – 25th May
When will it take place? Between 1st – 25th May 2018 Revision and practice papers will take place in the weeks prior to SATs Practice SATs style homework Easter holiday work Marked internally Moderated by in the locality schools
Teacher Assessment In addition to the tests teachers will assess using the Government Assessment Frameworks to assess: English reading and writing Mathematics Science
How can you help your child? Read as much as possible with your child Practise addition and subtraction problems Practise times tables and related division facts Look at sample materials on the government website: https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/national-curriculum-assessments-practice-materials
Most importantly… Don’t worry! Let us guide your child through this experience. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dVlrdqh_J6Y