Jess Wills “I thought I'd drop you an email to let you know how I'm getting on. I have just passed 100 Days, 100 Runs! I decided to not give myself any excuse to go for a run. I just have to do it. Some times it's been as short as 2km and some times it's been 10km, including the run of a Olympic Distance Tri. By doing it every day I am more of a runner than I have ever been. I am incorporating hill sprints, interval training and fartleks into my runs so I am now gradually getting a bit faster helped by sorting my technique with you. I am getting closer to 30mins for a 5km and I now know that once I reach that goal it is not the end. The other benefits are also evident as my resting heart rate is 44bpm on average. This is really important as my dad has heart problems and hopefully I am reducing my risk of suffering from that. Also my weight has steadily been dropping and more importantly staying off. So it's a win, win situation. Thanks again” Jess