Roles of the ETQA Accredit constituent providers for specific standards and or qualifications Promote quality amongst training providers Monitor the provision of providers Evaluate assessment and facilitate moderation amongst providers Register assessors, moderators and verifiers Deliver on SAQA mandate ( Accreditation of the SETA) Recommend new unit standards and qualifications Maintain a database of providers Submit reports to the SAQA
What is Provider accreditation? Formal recognition or stamp of approval on training institution; Indicating that the accrediting body (SASSETA) is satisfied that the provider meets the requirements in terms of the set criteria Provider can offer quality learning programmes against national standards registered on the NQF; Once provider meet these standards the SASSETA ETQA recognizes this by accrediting the provider. (criteria on Manuals & Application form).
MoU’s Constituent Providers accredited by relevant SETA Provider informs SETA of Intent SETA’s responsibility to initiate MoU SETA facilitates process
Extension of Scope Accredited Skills Development Provider submits application for extension of scope through their Primary ETQA. It is the responsibility of the Skills Development Provider to identify the unit standards and/or qualification they wish to provide. The Primary ETQA will submit the application for extension of scope to the secondary ETQA.
Extension of Scope Continued The secondary ETQA will request from the Skills Development Provider that they submit additional information such as: Programme Evaluation Application Forms. Registered Assessors and Moderators who will assess against the unit standards and/or qualification which forms part of the secondary ETQA scope. Learning material for evaluation or MoU indicating that they will be making use of accredited training material.
Accreditation Criteria Financial Administration and Physical Resources Quality Management Systems Learning Programme Provision Learner Guidance, Entry and Development Management of Assessment Staff Selection, Appraisal and Development Marketing Occupational Health and Safety
Categories of Accreditation Important Considerations Assess learners and RPL candidates but no delivery Specific accreditation criteria apply Assessment Only Delivery and Assessment Assess learners and RPL candidates and delivery All accreditation criteria apply Delivery only providers cannot be accredited
Accreditation Phase Phase 1: Desktop Evaluation Phase 2: Programme Evaluation Phase 3: Site Visits Phase 4: Recommendations and Approval
Assessor, Moderator and Verifier Registration Must assess within the specific SETA primary focus Must be declared competent against the generic unit standard: “Conduct Outcomes-based Assessments”. Assessors must have two (2) years occupational experience in relation to the field they wish to assess. Sign and adhere to the respective ETQA code of conduct. This process is reviewed every 5 years depending on SETA’s lifespan. Assessor, Moderators and Verifiers can be de-registered due to irregularities.
Criteria for Approval Of Learning Material Please note that this may differ from ETQA to ETQA, but the principles will stay the same! Training Provider Information Programme Information (NQF Aligned) Exit Outcomes Specific Outcomes Purpose of the Learning Programme Content Methods and Learning Material Assessment Methods and Assessors Moderation of Assessment ETD Practitioners Resources and Facilities Health and Safety features
Learning Programme Submission Comprehensive Programmes / Learning Material consisting of: Facilitators Guide and Presentation Guide Learner Guide Learner Workbook Assessment and Moderation Guide Assessment and Moderation Tools/instruments
Recommendation by SASSETA ETQA Committee ETQA Committee meets and recommends accreditation according to findings of the Practitioner’s report – HoD: ETQA EXCO approves recommendations – ETQA Comm. BOARD – decides and endorses - ETQA Comm. Preparation of Letters for providers – CEO Signature Capturing of Status – Skills Admin / datanet The whole accreditation process takes : ± 3 months, depending on the compliance.
List of Documents Process & Procedures Manual Application Form Provider Manual Verification Guide Provider Self-Evaluation Guide Programme Evaluation Form Guidelines for Assessors and Moderators
How to access Qualifications/ unit standards from SAQA’s Website
SASSETA’s Contact Details Call centre: 086 110 2477 Website: Fax no: 011 805 6630 Email: SAQA: www
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