P-Card Integration Integrate p-cards transactions to improve efficiency and control within your financial processes NCOAUG – Summer 2008 Mike Kambesis (Manager, Financial Applications - Brunswick) Joe Trenker (Business Systems Analyst - Brunswick)
August 15, Presentation Outline I. Project objectives II. Process Overview Former process Revised process III. Demonstration IV. Configuration V. Questions
August 15, Project Objectives The procurement card process was automated to eliminate cumbersome and manual processes associated with procurement card transactions. Additionally, the procurement card approval and validation process has been automated to eliminate manual controls associated with procurement card approval and payment.
August 15, Former process The processes associated with recording, approving, coding, and payment were completely manual and required substantial effort (manual).
August 15, Revised Process The revised process is completely automated, eliminates duplicate coding efforts, improves control and auditability. Furthermore, spend analysis is greatly improved as the transaction detail remains intact.
August 15, Demonstration - overview I. advice to user II.Transaction coding and initial approval III.Management approval IV.Accounts Payable processes V.Spend analysis and audit
August 15, Setups and Configuration - Functional 1.Card programs 2.Procurement card profiles 3.Setup individual cards 4.Profile options
August 15, Setups and Configuration - Technical Provide Trading Partner (US Bank) with PGP Encryption Public Key Develop Automated FTP process (GIS) to get file from Trading Partners remote FTP Server Develop a host script (run as conc. request) that calls PGP software to decrypt file and move it to Oracle Server Develop a custom SQL*Loader script to load formatted data into P Card Transactions table and mask card number Develop a custom trigger on AP_CARDS_ALL table to mask entered card number
August 15, Setups and Configuration – Technical cont. 1.Trading Partner (US Bank) puts encrypted file on their FTP Server 2.Automated FTP process grabs file to local network 3.Host script concurrent request (CR) decrypts file and moves to Oracle Server 4.SQL*Loader CR loads data to table 5.Seeded Oracle CR Procurement Card Transactions Validation Program to validate records 6.Seeded Oracle CR Procurement Card Transactions Verification Process to submit WF notifications to users verifying transactions 7.Seeded Oracle CR Procurement Card Transactions Approval Process to submit WF notifications to managers for approval of transactions
August 15, Questions and comments… Questions and comments Contact information: Mike Kambesis Joe Trenker Kyle Smith