Advance Family Planning (AFP) Presenter: Sam Mulyanga Senior Advocacy Advisor Jhpiego Communication & Advocacy workshop Date:274-27 May. 2016
What is AFP Shorter Longer An advocacy initiative on family planning An advocacy initiative working to increase financial investment, strengthen political commitment and removing policy barriers that prevent access to family planning.
… Longest An evidence based advocacy initiative that aims to increase financial investment, strengthen political commitment and remove policy barriers that prevent access to quality family planning. It is funded by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and implemented in Kenya by Jhpiego working with partners. It works to advance the achievement of FP2020 goal.
AFP Funding
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Bill & Melinda Gates Institute-AFP Initiative
Jhpiego-an affiliate of Johns Hopkins University
Government FP Funding
Remove Policy Formulation and Implementation Barriers to FP
Political Commitment
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