Erosion and Deposition 6th Grade Earth Science October 2017
What is Erosion? Write on the back of foldable Erosion is the movement of sediment by wind, ice, water, or gravity.
Write on the back of foldable What is Deposition? Write on the back of foldable The dropping of sediment out of the wind, water, ice, or gravity and settling in a new place.
Gravity Erosion Sediment falls
Gravity Erosion Angle of Repose is the steepest angle at which a sloping surface formed of a particular loose material is stable.
gravity moves material down a slope Gravity Deposition Mass Movement gravity moves material down a slope Landslide – the sudden movement of rock and soil down a slope Creep – the slow downhill movement of weathered rock material Slump –a block of material moves downslope Gravity Deposition Mudflow – the flow of a mass of mud or rock and soil mixed with a large amount of water Avalanche – a mass of snow, ice, and rocks falling rapidly down a mountainside.
What type of mass movement is each picture? LANDSLIDE MUDFLOW 2 1 What type of mass movement is each picture? CREEP SLUMP 4 3
Ice (glaciers) move and carry sediment. Ice Erosion Ice (glaciers) move and carry sediment.
Ice Deposition Moraine - Moraine is material transported by a glacier and then deposited.
Ice Deposition Kettle Lakes – Kettles are depressions left behind after partially-buried ice blocks melt. Many are filled with water, and are then called "kettle lakes".
Ice Deposition Kettle Lakes –
Ice Deposition Kettle Lakes –
Wind moves sediment after it is weathered. Wind Erosion Wind moves sediment after it is weathered.
Wind Deposition Sand Dunes – mounds of wind deposited sand. Move in direction of wind.
Wind Deposition Loess – very fertile sediments of Quartz, Felspar, Mica, and clay deposited by the wind
Water Erosion Water (rivers, oceans, rain, etc.) washes sediment after being weathered
Water Deposition Deltas – slow river current drops sediment in fan-shaped pattern at end of river Sand Bars – offshore deposit of sand, gravel, or shell material Alluvial Fans – fan-shaped mass of material deposited by a stream with a steep incline; created by run-off Beaches – deposited sand
Sand Bar
Alluvial Fan
What did water create in each of these pictures? 5 2 3 1 2 SANDBAR DELTA BEACH 1 4 4 6 4 ALLUVIAL FAN What did water create in each of these pictures?
Erosion and Deposition Exit Ticket List one agent / cause of Erosion and one way it changes the Earth. List a second agent / cause of erosion and one way it changes the Earth.