Wednesday, September 27 Day 1
Weather Weather
Birthdays Ayaan 5 j
In the Gym…. NB #1 NB #2 Brief meeting in gym for members of cross country team- 12:50 After School
In the Music Room…. NB #1 Closed NB #2 Closed
The Grade 7s and 8s are away, learning to be Guardians of Winona. Thanks,Grade 6s who are lunch monitoring in our place!
Pizza Orders Due Friday September 29th There will be no late orders accepted. Only online orders accepted. You can now order pepperoni or cheese pizza.
Terry Fox Run Fri. Sept. 29 Our goal is $2000 make sure to donate a Toonie on school cash online and if you donate $20 or more you have a chance to participate in the big assembly.
Bus Patrollers This is a reminder that the bus patrol trip training forms for Monday October 2 are due tomorrow. Please return your forms to Mr. Doyle as soon as you get the chance.
Scholastic Orders Students in Ms. Bodi’s, Mrs. Durfey’s, Mr. Child’s and Mr. Doyle’s classes are reminded that their scholastic orders are due on Friday. (in 2 days)
Who is this?
This is Miss. Tivanian, Winona’s EA
#On This Day September 27, 1888 The Mayor of Vancouver, David Oppenheimer, officially opens Stanley Park. In 1988, Stanley Park will be designated a National Historic Site of Canada. To learn more: See the photos in our Stanley Park collection
Attention Staff! Our Staff Meeting after school will commence our regularly scheduled time. Be there!
Have a GREAT Day