Article 17 checklist – main highlights from consultation with the EG


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Presentation transcript:

Article 17 checklist – main highlights from consultation with the EG Expert group on Reporting under the Nature Directives, 18 October 2016 Article 17 checklist – main highlights from consultation with the EG

Background information principles for revising checklists presented to EG in November 2015 and March 2016 (how to deal with changes in species taxonomy, categories of occurrence , anadromous fish) a draft Art 17 checklist of habitat and species sent for written comments in May 2016 (revision of nomenclature and taxonomy, revision of occurrence per biogeographical region)

Overview of consultation Replies from: 20 Member States, but some are still working on their checklists Correction of type of occurrence More comments related to taxonomy and nomenclature Additions/deletions from the checklists

Latest changes related to categories of occurrence updated definition and reporting requirements for two categories of occurrence: newly arriving (recorded only during last 12 years) and marginal (report is expected as for occasional species) new category taxonomical error for cases where species listed in the Directive is currently proven as a taxonomical error (e.g. Marsilea azorica, Euphrasia mendoncae)

Main highlights from consultation marine region for fish species (e.g. sturgeons in Black sea, some lacustrine species in northern part of Baltic sea) joint/split reports for newly described species (e.g. Coregonus lavaretus complex, Cottus gobio all others , Triturus marmoratus & T. pygmaeus, Eudontomyzon mariae & E. vladykovi, Unio elongatulus) species with unclear status (e.g. link of Alburnus arborella with the name Alburnus albidus (Alburnus vulturius) listed in the Directive

Main highlights from consultation proposal to correct species names: nomenclatural issues (e.g. using the genus name Bufotes instead of Bufo, correcting gendre of species epithet, correcting the genus or the species name) issues related to revised taxonomy resulting in merging species listed in the Directive with other species (e.g. Linaria hellenica is now a part of L. tenuis or endemic species Colchicum coustourieri belongs under widespread C. cupanii subsp cupanii)

Next steps What needs to be done: Integrate comments from consultation Update the note on taxonomical issues Add reporting population size unit Next steps: Final Art. 17 checklists ready by the end of April 2017