Born to be Programmer TeguhSutanto, M.Kom.
Computer A computer is a machine that performs computations, logical operations, or more generally, data manipulation according to some prescribed sequence of instructions called a computer program. The physical components of a computer are termed hardware and the programs software.
Resume A computer is a machine that performs computations, logical operations, and data manipulation according to some prescribed sequence of instructions called computer program . The physical components of a computer are called hardware . The programs that run on a computer are called software . The central processing unit ( CPU ) is that part of the computer that performs most calculations and makes decisions. The arithmetic and logic unit ( ALU ) is the part of the CPU that performs arithmetical calculations. The control unit ( CU ) coordinates the calculations of the ALU and the movement of data between the CPU and RAM. The clock determines how frequently the computer hardware executes instructions. A computer stores data in binary format , i.e., as a sequence of 0’s and 1’s. A single 0 or 1 is called a bit ; a sequence of eight bits is called a byte .
How to Start Learning Computer Programming Start with a good book or tutorial on programming Get a compiler/interpreter/IDE for the programming language your book uses Read the book! Try putting together your own ideas to form a working program Once you start actively programming in your first language, you may want to learn a second one Continue programming and trying new things Learn how to type - This is very essential as it is make your programming very fast and effective
How to Program