[Project Name] Project Gating Presentation Presented to: [Audience Name] Presenter: [Your Name] Date: YYYY-MM This presentation is a template intended for a presentation to pass “Gate 1 – Concept” in the GNWT System Implementation Methodology. The purpose is to gain approval for the project’s strategic alignment and business sense. It is based on the first phase of the accompanying Business Case. It is recommended to fill out and distribute the first phase of the Business Case to the decision-making body prior to the meeting, and then use this presentation as a way to summarize and visualize the key points of the business case. This template is just a suggestion and a time-saving tool. It can be extended or changed as much as you desire. Tables, charts and graphs are expected additions. For instance, you can adapt it to present two variations for a project. Delete all italicized text before using, including this note.
Decision Required Gate 1 – Concept Review issues: The purpose of the presentation is to seek approval to move [Project Name] through: Gate 1 – Concept Review issues: Validation of the rationale for the project Confirmation that underlying fundamentals make sense Assessment that the project is doable as proposed For projects requiring capital funding, this presentation would be given twice: once to departmental decision-makers and then again to the Business Advisory Committee for funding consideration.
Business Need A clear articulation of the business need in 2-3 points
Drivers for Change What factors have triggered this investment proposal? Where is the urgency coming from?
Business Outcomes Describe the high-level outcomes in terms of the affected business. For instance, “Applications will be processed faster”, “Human error will be reduced” or “Double-entry accounting will be avoided”
Prioritized Requirements List the requirements in order of priority, starting with the most important
Assumptions What are you assuming in order for the business need and outcomes to be valid? For instance, you might assume that you’ll get a new staff member to run the system or train users. Or you might assume that a product exists that can achieve a certain outcome.
Constraints What are the limitations and conditions on this project? For instance, a time limit or window of opportunity.
Dependencies List known dependencies that are critical for the project, such as dependencies on other projects, external factors, other departments and so on For instance, “Cannot start until Project X finishes” or “Dependent on capital funding approval”
Scope Boundaries Identify what is to be included within the scope of the investment and explicitly state what is excluded from the investment.
Stakeholder Analysis Describe the stakeholder environment by considering the types of stakeholders, their specific roles, and their contributions to the realization of the investment. Consider adding a RACI matrix if appropriate.
Estimates to Next Gate Describe the work that needs to be done before the next decision gate (typically, Gate 2 – Approach) This might include consultancy fees, Request for Information (RFI) or Request for Quote (RFQ) Estimate (+/- 10%) Cost $ Staff Effort hours Duration weeks
Key Decision for Gate 1 - Concept Is the rationale for this project valid? Do the underlying fundamentals make sense? Is it in alignment with our priorities and strategy? Are the estimated costs and effort to get to the next gate acceptable? Decision Point: Proceed to next gate? Come back with changes? Defer indefinitely?