Microgrid Market Design Dan Tylavsky (ASU) Ross Baldick (UT Austin) Tim Mount (Cornell) Understanding of DRER on ancillary services. PHEV Bob Saint? Market signals for power and ancillary services Assessment of Communication needs for control and investment planning.
Microgrid Market Design Objective is to determine the microgrid market structure. How does/will the microgrid fit into the larger market? What happens when the microgrid is islanded from the main grid? Who supports public goods: voltage, frequency? How does a limited number of players affect the microgrid market? Large producer can exercise market power. Will situation be cooperative or adversarial? Can we avoid opportunism?
Microgrid Market Design Is a simplified version of an independent agency (mini ISO) needed? What are the key characteristics? What information needs to be communicated. Strategy: Look at existing markets. Consistent with IEEE standards Look at islanding and non-islanding scenarios Evaluate the effect of market design on investment, planning, operation, and control.