Scholarship – 2007 Painting Examples of Candidate Work
Outstanding Scholarship This submission demonstrates a highly sophisticated understanding of paint media, technique, motif, composition, and pictorial language within the realm of painting. Evidenced is a clearly defined central inquiry underpinned by an innovative and complex investigation. Through a consistently articulate, exploratory and inventive approach, each work presented offers another take/ development on the subject. There is a sense of discipline, both technically and conceptually in this submission that transports subject matter/ topic beyond its expected reading. The viewer is drawn into new narratives that are unexpected, intelligent and at times humorous. Media use is technically expert and effectively supports and communicates the subject/ narrative relationships. Use of artist reference is incorporated in such a way that it not only draws on original contexts but also amalgamates obscure and curiously opposing subjects in a fascinating and intriguing manner. The use of detail as an illustrational tool is a highly effective strategy for constructing complexity within the work. Ambitious commitment to execution with a strong command of media and understanding of picture making is successfully managed at all times. References are inherently insightful. The combination of contemporary and traditional art contexts alongside other reference are utilised in a deliberate and well-considered manner, thus demonstrating a keen awareness of contemporary art and it operations. In this instance the workbook confirms the high level of manufacture, thinking, exploration, development and resolve apparent on the portfolio.