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Lindsay Spears Core 1 Do NOWs 12-14-15
December 14th, 2015 Define the following words: Microbes, Diseases, Treatment Definir las siguientes palabras: Los microbios, Enfermedades, Tratamiento
Microbe- a microscopic organism Microbes Microbe- a microscopic organism Another word for microorganism Usually unicellular Many different shapes Carry out life functions in a wide variety of ways Live in every type of environment on Earth
There are many different types of microbes, including…
Bacteria Defined as: Single-celled organisms that have no nucleus.
Basic Characteristics Bacteria Basic Characteristics Living Unicellular Multiple shapes Some are harmful & cause disease Some are helpful & cure disease and break down decaying material
Bacteria How it gets Energy Some bacteria can make their own energy through photosynthesis & Chemeosynthesis Some bacteria must gain energy through eating other organisms (cellular respiration)
Spread How does this organism infect other organisms? Bacteria Contaminated foods, contaminates soil, contaminated water, contact with other organisms, etc.
Examples Treatment of Disease Strep Throat Staph Infection Bacteria Examples Strep Throat Staph Infection Food Poisoning Treatment of Disease Antibiotics
Bacteria Prevention of Disease Proper hand washing & hygiene, proper handling of food, cover your mouth when you cough, etc. Any other?
Different Shapes Bacteria Means: Spherical Examples: Strep Pneumonia Staph MRSA
Different Shapes Bacteria Means: Rod-Like Examples: E-Coli Yogurt Diphtheria Tetanus Tuberculosis Leprosy
Bacteria Different Shapes Means: Spiral Examples: Cholera
Bacteria Different Shapes Means: Corkscrew Examples: Lyme Disease
Fungi Defined as: Any of a group of spore-producing organisms “feeding” on organic matter Examples: yeast, molds, & mushrooms
Basic Characteristics Fungi Basic Characteristics Living Unicellular or Multicellular Multiple shapes Some are harmful & cause disease Some are helpful & cure disease and break down decaying material
Energy Feed on organic matter Fungi Energy Feed on organic matter Decomposition reaction for use in cellular respiration
Spread How does this organism infect other organisms? Fungi Enters the body in multiple ways: ingestion, inhalation, contaminated soil, etc. For example: Aspergillus spores are breathed in and Fungal Meningitis is injected with steroid shots
Examples Treatment of Disease Athletes Foot Ring Worm Mold Fungi Athletes Foot Ring Worm Mold Yeast Infection Treatment of Disease Antifungal medications
Prevention of Disease Clean skin injuries Fungi Prevention of Disease Clean skin injuries Wear a mask and/or gloves when working in damp and dusty areas Proper hygiene
Virus Virus Defined as: Non-living substance that has to inject its genetic material into a living host cell in order to reproduce.
Basic Characteristics Virus Basic Characteristics Non-Living Unicellular Much smaller than bacteria Multiple shapes Harmful & cause disease
Virus Energy Must “use” the host cell to obtain energy
Diseases How does this organism infect other organisms? Virus A virus must infect the host cell to replicate Viruses can enter the body through ingestion, inhalation, and injection
Examples Treatment of Disease Influenza AIDS Common Cold Ebola Rest Virus Influenza AIDS Common Cold Ebola Treatment of Disease Rest Some antiviral medications are available Prevention
Virus Prevention of Disease Hygiene, proper hand washing Vaccinations
Parasites Parasites Defined as: An organism that lives in or on another organism (its host) and benefits by depriving nutrients at the host's expense.
Basic Characteristics Parasites Basic Characteristics Living Unicellular or Multicellular Multiple shapes Harmful & cause disease
Parasites Host cell: the cells of the host organism, much like a virus must infect the host cell to multiply
Parasites Energy Most “use” the host to obtain energy through cellular respiration Some Protists obtain energy through photosynthesis
How does this organism infect other organisms? Parasites How does this organism infect other organisms? Enters the body through contaminated food, soil, and water Protozoa (single celled organisms) and helminthes (flatworms, roundworms, etc.) Enters the body through vectors Fleas, ticks, mosquiotos, etc.
Examples Treatment of Disease Malaria Ticks Mistletoe tapeworms Parasites Malaria Ticks Mistletoe tapeworms Giardia infections toxoplasmosis Treatment of Disease Prescription medications to kill parasite and to treat the infections
Parasites Prevention of Disease Proper hand washing and hygiene, proper filtration of water, proper handling of food, etc. Preventative medications