Working to form partnerships Monday 18th July 2016 Working to form partnerships Cindy Willcocks Founder and Director Friday 22nd September 2017 Director and Founder of Arterne CIC- before I tell you about what Arterne CIC does I want to tell you a little bit more about me
This is me…look happy and the ride is only 5p…know where the giraffe is and if it’s still there? Background- this was before I made my first attempt to leave home at the age of 7…
My journey towards being …the best version of me…
Project 2000 in 1997 NHS 2000 Sole trader 2013 Founded Arterne CIC in 2016
Influence the provision of social care, health and educational services
Didn’t have the answers…
‘shrink the change’
Best evidence v practice based Less practice based evidence written about…
Do what you’ve always done, you get what you always got…
Old Kit Bag
8 sessions plus an introductory and end of programme session ‘Old Kit Bag’ focused on behavioural concerns and mental health promotion 8 sessions plus an introductory and end of programme session Based on MFT approach Parents/carers to set goals to work towards Goal setting Arterne encouraged parents/carers to set goals using the well-recognised Goal Based Outcomes measures. Goal 1 focused on behaviour management Themes included; helping the young person to communicate feelings appropriately and manage tempers Respect and personal control by young person Goal 2 focused on home issues Stopping the young person winding up the sibling Peaceful household Goal 3 focused on school issues Better communication between home and school
Goal 1 focused on behaviour management helping the young person to communicate feelings appropriately and manage tempers Respect and personal control by young person
Goal 2; Home concerns/issues Stopping the young person winding up the sibling Peaceful household
Goal 3 focused on school issues Better communication between home and school
PLATFORM 50 6904412266704
Approach Arterne CIC and Beach Schools SouthWest in partnership Emergence of activity based combined with mental health promotion for whole families
#arterne to make mental health matter https://m. facebook Sounds choir
Operation Snow https://www. facebook Operation Snow 622189194715325/permalink/197662 5962604978/ Whole system approach - partnerships 622189194715325/permalink/182066 7074867535/
Not rocket science…
Business strategy pitfalls Short term focus on results to impress Lack of attention to customer needs and understanding competitor moves Comfortable due to existing success Structural changes in the market not addressed Employed team not fully equipped No clear vision or how to achieve it- lack of focus Glossy document produced – not brought to life- ‘belief’ Lack of accountability
Success… Engaged stakeholders Responsive to need regardless of resource required Communication is clear Relationships are effective Heartfelt Change???
Practice based evidence….
Conceptual framework for assessment…
Model of leadership based on the principles of
Listen attentively Own your stuff Voice your views Empower others Cindy Willcocks 2017
Any questions?