Investigation of O2 Activation with Metallodendrimer Models of Copper Monooxygenases Shawn C. Burdette, Department of Chemistry, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT 06269-3060 Dendrimer-base models of copper monooxygenases: Our approach combines traditional small molecule modeling chemistry and concepts of macromolecules. In the enzymes, mononuclear copper superoxide complexes are the active hydroxylating species, but research with small molecules models has been unable to mimic this chemistry. The dendritic ligands serve two purposes: 1) to prevent the formation of bridged oxygen dimers and form only monomeric copper species; and 2) to introduce asymmetry in the copper molecular orbitals and promote end-on oxygen binding. Approach with diketiminate (BKI) ligands: Approach with b-diiminate (BDI) ligands: