Copenhagen Michael Frayn
Sir Ernest Rutherford’s Planetary Structure of the Atom (1911)
Niels Bohr Further developed the Planetary structure of (1885-1962) Further developed the Planetary structure of Atoms, arguing that Electrons in the outer Orbit characterize the Chemical properties of the element and that an Electron could drop from a higher orbit to a lower one… as it released a light photon (quantum of light)… hence “The Quantum Theory”
Werner Heisenberg (1901-1976) Heisenberg worked with Bohr to Tease out the properties of the Atom which, as Einstein had noted, Contained energy that might Somehow be released even though Atoms represented matter! In trying to understand the nature Of the atome, Heisenberg developed the “Uncertainty Principle” which addressed the im- possibility of observing anything without affecting what you can learn from it.
Part of the “Copenhagen Interpretation” Complementarity - Part of the “Copenhagen Interpretation” A single quantum mechanical entity can either behave as a particle or as wave, but never simultaneously as both
Margrethe Bohr (1890-1904) Although not trained as physicist, Margrethe Worked through some ideas the Bohr advocated While she was transcribing his notes and, as in The play, often offered insights.
Do you think Heisenberg deliberately avoided Calculating the right amounted of U235 needed For an explosion? A.) Yes B.) No C.) Uncertain
Does Margrethe have a useful function in the play. If so… what is her role? A.) Yes B.) No C.) Uncertain
What do you think Frayn is trying to communicate to playgoers (it is meant to be seen!)? Why use a play structure as the format? How do the ideas of “complementarity” and “uncertainty” Speak to issues even beyond nuclear physics?
Who do you find more sympathetic as a character? A.) Bohr B.) Heisenberg C.) Both Equally D. Neither