Take out your all notecards Sit down quietly and wait for directions October 10th, 2017 Please sit down Take out your all notecards Take out your agenda book, science notebook and something to write with. Sit down quietly and wait for directions
Sketch a picture of self-pollination or Cross pollination On worksheet HOMEWORK Sketch a picture of self-pollination or Cross pollination On worksheet
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The flower is the reproductive part of a plant Notes on Page 12 1) Write Title “Pollination” and Date at top 2) Take Notes underneath title The flower is the reproductive part of a plant Pollination is the process of transferring pollen from the anther to stigma Pollination is the first step of reproduction for a flowering plant
Insert Tape on top to make a flip up Color Code Self Pollination: one color Cross Pollination: another color Insert Tape on top to make a flip up
.. Under the flip of tape in: Self-Pollination is the pollination of a flower by pollen from the same flower or from the same plant Cross-Pollination is the transfer of pollen from one plant to another plant by wind, water, or pollinator In area left underneath tape in: After pollination, fertilization of the ovules will occur, the seed is created, and then once the seed is planted it will grow into a plant
Pollination/Pollinator Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CUPzbTuJlgc